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Arcane Comet or Summon Aery – Which One Reigns Supreme?

Choosing the Perfect Rune: Arcane Comet vs. Summon Aery

Choosing the right rune can be challenging and cause stress. Arcane Comet and Summon Aery are both good runes, but which is better?

There are many factors that make a rune great, from its damage potential to its casting speed. Comparing Arcane Comet and Summon Aery can help you find the perfect rune for you.

What is Arcane Comet?

Arcane Comet is a popular rune in League of Legends for mage champions. It deals additional magic damage to enemy players.

When you use your abilities, a comet is launched at the enemy champion, dealing damage. This rune is preferred by Ability Power champions as it stacks on their AP and some AD.

One of the main advantages of Arcane Comet is that it adds passive damage to your abilities, providing an advantage in firepower. It can also work well with items that drain enemy HP.

However, Arcane Comet is more effective in the early to mid-game and becomes less impactful in the late game.

Summon Aery – Explained!

Summon Aery is another rune for Ability Power users that deals damage triggered by abilities. It flies over to your opponent, dealing additional magic damage.

Summon Aery is best used by supporting characters who can heal or provide buffs to allies. It can also serve as an empowering shield for your teammates.

This rune does not have a fixed cooldown but takes longer to return if the opponent is further away. It scales slower than Arcane Comet but can shield allies.

Arcane Comet and Summon Aery – The Comparison

Both Arcane Comet and Summon Aery have their pros and cons. Arcane Comet focuses on damage and is suitable for battle mages, while Summon Aery is more suited for support roles.

Arcane Comet has a fixed cooldown, while Summon Aery’s cooldown is based on distance. Arcane Comet has higher base damage and scales better with AP and AD.

For Arcane Comet, items like Demonic Embrace and Liandry’s Anguish work well with its damage-dealing focus. For Summon Aery, items like Locket of the Iron Solari and Ardent Censer enhance its supporting abilities.


After comparing the two runes, it’s clear that Arcane Comet is better for damage-focused mages, while Summon Aery is more suitable for support mages. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each rune will help you make the best choice for your playstyle.

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you towards the perfect rune for your champion. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!