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Arcane Comet dominates League and revives the poke meta

Poke Champions Dominating League of Legends with Arcane Comet Rune

If you’ve noticed League of Legends turning into a Cuphead-like game lately, you’re not alone. Poke champions are taking over the game, and it feels like we’re dodging more long-range skillshots than ever before. This trend hasn’t been this prominent since the start of the 2017 season, featuring only Varus and Jhin.

Now, poke champions are rising in every lane, all thanks to one thing – Arcane Comet.

The new rune system has given poke champions a significant advantage, with Arcane Comet being the cherry on top. Two major changes have empowered long-range harass: Firstly, resistance runes have been removed, giving long-range harass significantly more damage early in the game.

Poke champions are strongest in the early and mid stages of the game, so this change is a big deal.

Secondly, the Sorcery rune path provides so much adaptive AP and AD that poke champions actually gained damage despite missing out on lethality and stacking AD and AP runes. They have been double-buffed, and there’s even more fun to come.

With the Manaflow Band rune, champions can spam their poke abilities even more, despite its nerf in Patch 7.24b.

And then there’s Arcane Comet, the star of the show. Not only are poke abilities more damaging and spammable, but Arcane Comet adds even more damage. When a champion lands a long-range ability, a bluish comet soars towards the target, exploding on impact. It almost sounds too good to be true, but it is, which is why games are now filled with two to three Arcane Comet champions like Varus, Xerath, and Jayce.

Xerath has become so strong with these new runes that players have started running him as a support for the first time ever. Morgana, Ziggs, Anivia, Lux, Vel’Koz, and even Zyra have all made a comeback in the support meta thanks to the new runes and changes.

However, for those who prefer fighters, bruisers, and assassins, it’s been a nightmare. It’s nearly impossible to get close to an enemy champion when they can burst you down before you even reach them.

With the upcoming Patch 8.1, there are no changes to Sorcery runes, Arcane Comet, or any individual poke champion in sight. It seems like the poke meta will continue to dominate at least for the first few weeks of the new season.

League of Legends, poke champions, Arcane Comet, new runes, long-range harass, Sorcery rune path, Manaflow Band, damage, meta.