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Aphelios player surprises with long-range attack, nearly eliminating full health Lulu despite being in own fountain

Aphelios Demonstrates His Power with Long-Range Attack

If you thought Aphelios had balancing issues, check out this clip of a League of Legends player almost killing a full health Lulu from across the map.

Aphelios placed a Crescendum sentry turret in a bush and recalled to his base. As he bought items, Lulu walked into the bush where the turret was waiting.

By combining the Crescendum turret with an off-hand Calibrum, Aphelios could auto-attack Lulu from his own base to the bottom lane. The turret applied the Calibrum effect on Lulu, allowing Aphelios to right-click and attack her from a distance using his off-hand weapon.

Lulu’s health was reduced to 49 HP with just three auto-attacks from Aphelios, all while he remained in his base. Though the Aphelios player was fed at the time, many agree that a champion shouldn’t have this level of power from such a distance.

Some suggested that Calibrum’s enhanced auto-attack should have a limited range instead of unlimited. Others have pointed out Aphelios’ burst damage potential and called for changes or nerfs to his kit. Riot Games will need to address these issues soon.

Source: Aphelios almost killing a full hp lulu from base

Aphelios, League of Legends, balancing issues, long-range attack, Crescendum, Calibrum, Lulu, base, power, distance.