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Aphelios’ Long Range Abilities Receive a Nerf in League Patch 10.3

Riot Continues to Nerf Aphelios for the Fourth Patch in a Row

Riot Games’ popular game, League of Legends, is set to undergo some balance changes in Patch 10.3, according to lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter. In a recent Dev Corner post, Scruffy addressed concerns about the marksman champion, Aphelios, and his ability to snipe enemies from far distances.

“We’re adding a maximum range on crescendum marks,” Scruffy explained. “We intend to keep it as a long-range poke effect, but bring it in line with similar mechanics found in champions like Caitlyn and Xerath.”

It’s no secret that Aphelios has been causing balancing issues for Riot Games. The developer has already nerfed him in the past three patches, including Patch 10.2 where his mark damage and abilities were significantly reduced.

Despite the frustration caused by Aphelios, the champion currently sits at a below-average win rate among players.

Additional Balance Changes in Patch 10.3

Alongside the nerfs to Aphelios, Patch 10.3 will also introduce changes to other champions. Akali, Yuumi, and Senna will all receive adjustments to their abilities.

Akali, in particular, is undergoing heavy testing on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) with the aim of making her more viable in competitive play. The developers are considering increasing her Q energy cost and making her R1 a targeted ability.

Yuumi’s Prowling Projectile will be buffed to support a Q-max build, allowing players to utilize this playstyle effectively.

Finally, adjustments to Senna’s soul drops will solidify her role as a support champion rather than a markswoman.

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Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 10.3, balance changes, Aphelios, marksman champion, nerfs, champion adjustments, Akali, Yuumi, Senna, esports news, analysis