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Aphelios: AP or AD? – The Complete Season 12 LoL Guide

Aphelios has become a popular topic in the League of Legends community due to his perceived imbalance and overpowered nature. Many players have dubbed him the “200years” meme.

At first glance, Aphelios may seem like a simple ADC marksman, but his kit is actually quite complex, especially if you haven’t mastered the sequence of his weapons. Understanding the sequence of his weapons allows you to perform various combos with him.

Unlike other champions who learn new abilities when they level up, Aphelios instead gets to choose from three bonus stats. This makes him incredibly powerful, as he gains bonus stats every time he levels up, while still having access to all his abilities from level one.

Is Aphelios AP or AD Champion?

Aphelios is an AD champion, and all of his guns are based on AD scaling. He can increase his stats as he levels up, which includes attack damage, attack speed, and Lethality. Instead of abilities, Aphelios wields a variety of guns, each with its own unique active effect. He can equip two guns at once, and when one runs out of bullets, the next gun in the queue is automatically used. Mastering his gun sequence allows for different combos.

Aphelios can only be built with AD items, as he lacks AP scaling on any of his guns. Items that enhance basic attacks are especially effective on Aphelios. Runaan’s Hurricane is a great item for him, as it allows him to consume three bullets at once and use his active skill effect on multiple enemies.

Best Aphelios Build

Galeforce provides Aphelios with much-needed mobility, allowing him to close the gap, disengage, or sidestep. Runaan’s Hurricane is beneficial for him, as it enables him to utilize his active skill effect on multiple enemies. The Collector synergizes with his bonus lethality stats, allowing him to quickly burst down enemies. Infinity Edge increases his overall damage output with basic attacks. Lord Dominik’s Regards works well against tanks or when Aphelios has low HP. Berserker’s Greaves provide bonus attack speed, which complements Aphelios’ reliance on basic attacks.

Best Runes for Aphelios

Lethal Tempo is a great rune for Aphelios, as it grants bonus attack speed and range. Presence of Mind is important for replenishing mana, especially since Aphelios doesn’t build mana items. Legend: Bloodline provides free lifesteal, an essential mechanic for an ADC. Coup de Grace synergizes well with The Collector item, especially when Aphelios lands a five-man ult with Infernum. Taste of Blood allows Aphelios to heal from poking enemies. Treasure Hunter provides bonus gold on each kill.

Where Can You Play Aphelios?

Aphelios is primarily played in the bottom lane with an aggressive support to dominate the early phase or with a slow, late-game playstyle. He doesn’t excel in the top lane due to the lack of immediate CC or disengage abilities.

When To Pick Aphelios As An ADC?

Aphelios is a versatile pick and doesn’t have many counters, thanks to his kit that allows him to adapt to different situations. As such, he is a great blind pick champion.


Aphelios is an AD champion with a high damage output, particularly when properly supported. However, falling behind can hinder his damage potential, especially if the enemy ADC plays more aggressively and builds items faster.