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AP vs. AD – Which Damage Type Reigns Supreme?

League of Legends has always been characterized by chaos on the Summoner’s Rift. Whether it’s the power of Ability Power (AP) or the strength of Attack Damage (AD), the game is built around these opposing forces. Almost every item in the game affects either AP or AD, and sometimes both. These stats are crucial to the game and have become core mechanics since the game’s inception.

AD determines the damage you deal with basic attacks, while AP enhances the strength of abilities, items, and runes. The choice between AD and AP depends on the champion you pick. Veigar benefits greatly from AP, while Yasuo favors an AD build.

The Battle: AP vs. AD

AP and AD have their pros and cons, and their effectiveness can change based on updates and the evolving meta. It’s impossible to prove that one stat is superior to the other. Finding a balance between AD and AP is crucial for increasing your chances of winning, but the scenario can change from season to season.

AP vs. AD: Champions and Roles

The effectiveness of AP and AD depends on the role you play. In the support role, AD and AP can be utilized depending on the team’s requirements. Most supports are AP champions, but there are exceptions like Pyke and Senna.

In the bot lane, AD champions dominate due to their consistent damage output and siege potential. ADCs are essential in breaking stalled fights and damaging turrets.

In the mid-lane, the choice between AP and AD is subjective. AP champions are more popular in the mid-lane due to the game’s circumstances. Picking an AD champion can put your team at a disadvantage, as AP champions diversify your team’s damage and prevent the enemy from stacking armor against you.

In the top lane, AD champions are preferred due to the dominance of melee bruisers and tanks. AP champions can struggle in the top lane, where sustained damage and trading are crucial.

As for the jungle, both AP and AD champions can excel based on their abilities to roam, clear camps, and contribute to team objectives. The jungle role remains indifferent to the AP vs. AD debate.


While AD champions/roles are more prevalent in certain roles, it’s essential to maintain a balance between AD and AP in your team composition. Both stats are crucial for a well-rounded roster. There is no clear winner in the AP vs. AD debate, as both are equally important in maintaining equilibrium and maximizing your chances of success in the game.