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AP Jarvan IV – A Comprehensive Guide

AP Jarvan IV: A Unique Approach to the Jungle

Jarvan IV is a top-tier jungler known for his strong ganking abilities. While he is typically built for physical damage, some players have discovered the potential of playing him as an AP champion. However, be prepared for some backlash from teammates if you choose this unconventional route.

Two Build Paths for AP Jarvan IV

There are two main build paths for AP Jarvan IV. The first is a Summon Aery rune setup with Moonstone Renewer as your mythic item. This build is limited to the support role and is only viable in Summoner’s Rift. The second option is the “nuclear-flag” approach, where you can choose either Summon Aery or Phase Rush depending on your playstyle.

Understanding AP vs. AD

Before diving into AP Jarvan IV, it’s important to understand the difference between Ability Power (AP) and Attack Damage (AD). AP is best for spell-based champions, while AD is more suited for champions that rely on auto-attacks.

Mastering AP Jarvan IV

If you’re unsure about how to play AP Jarvan IV, don’t worry. I’ll break down the rune setup, item build path, lane choices, and mechanics to help you navigate this unique playstyle. Just remember to avoid trying it out in ranked games!

Role Selection – Finding Your Game

When playing AP Jarvan IV, it’s crucial to carefully consider your role. The Summon Aery setup works best in the support role, while the Phase Rush setup can be effective in the top lane. While flexing it into the jungle is possible, its success rate is uncertain.

Consider choosing runes that provide movement speed boosts to enhance your ganking potential. Waterwalking can also be helpful during river skirmishes against enemy junglers.

It’s important to note that playing AP Jarvan IV in roles like mid lane or ADC is not recommended.

Picking Your Runes – Tailoring to Your Playstyle

There are two distinct rune setups for AP Jarvan IV. The Summon Aery setup is primarily designed for the support role but may not offer as much damage. On the other hand, the Phase Rush setup can work well in solo lanes or even jungle with proper understanding.

Summon Aery Setup – Ideal for Support

Full AP Jarvan IV Summon Aery Setup League of Legends Guide

For the Summon Aery setup, use Summon Aery and Manaflow Band from the Sorcery tree as your primary runes. Then, choose Perfect Timing and Biscuit Delivery from the Inspiration Tree as your secondary runes.

Summon Aery allows you to poke enemies with long-range Qs, while Manaflow Band helps manage your mana consumption. Perfect Timing grants a free stopwatch for confident dives, and Biscuit Delivery provides additional sustain during laning.

If you aim to poke enemies in lane, opt for Scorch, or choose Waterwalking for a more roaming-oriented playstyle.

Phase Rush Setup – Mobility and Versatility

If you prefer a less supportive and more versatile playstyle, the Phase Rush setup might suit you better. The primary rune will be Phase Rush from the Sorcery tree, and the secondary rune will be Presence of Mind from the Precision tree.

This setup grants a movement speed boost when damaging enemies with three damaging effects in quick succession. It allows you to engage, chip away at enemy health, and disengage before facing retaliation. Presence of Mind restores mana on striking enemies.

Feel free to experiment with other rune slots, and consider options like Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Gathering Storm, Legend: Alacrity, or Legend: Bloodline depending on your preference.

Effective Item Build Paths – Dealing Damage or Supporting Your Team

Just like the rune setups, there are two different item build paths for AP Jarvan IV. The first is the “Nuclear Flag” build, focused on maximizing damage with items like Void Staff and Rabadon’s Deathcap. The second is the “Eternal Shield” build, centered around supportive items like Moonstone Renewer and cooldown reduction items.

Damage-Based – Nuclear Flag

If you’re playing AP Jarvan IV in the top lane or ARAMs, the damage-focused build with the Phase Rush rune setup is recommended. Start with a Doran’s Ring or Cull for sustain and last hitting. For your mythic item, choose between Liandry’s Anguish, Luden’s Tempest, or Hextech Rocketbelt based on personal preference.

Follow up with Lichbane for the spell blade passive and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Adapt your build depending on the enemy laner. Don’t forget to prioritize Sorcerer’s Shoes for added magic penetration when using Luden’s Tempest or Hextech Rocketbelt.

Utility-Based – Eternal Shield

If you’re interested in the AP Jarvan IV support build, inspired by Afreeca Freecs in the 2019 LCK season, the Summon Aery rune setup with cooldown reduction runes is key. Start with Spellthief’s Edge and poke the enemy support or ADC to earn gold from your passive. This will help build towards your mythic item, Moonstone Renewer. Pair it with Ionian Boots of Lucidity to spam abilities more frequently and heal your ADC with the Moonstone Renewer effect.

As the game progresses, consider purchasing Zhonya’s Hourglass for diving potential and Chemtech Purifier for team fights, which grants healing reduction effects. Depending on your team composition, items like Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water can be highly beneficial.

Skill Order – Maximizing Your Abilities

Full AP Jarvan IV Skill Order League of Legends Guide

The skill order for AP Jarvan IV varies slightly between the two setups. In the Phase Rush setup, max out Q first and E second. However, the Summon Aery setup prioritizes maxing E first and Q second. W should always be last in any Jarvan IV build, regardless of damage or tankiness.

Selecting Summoner Spells – Choose Wisely

Summoner spells should be chosen based on your preferred playstyle and role. Ignite is suitable for supports, while heal or teleport are viable options for solo laners.

Flash is generally recommended for its versatility, but if you feel confident without it, Barrier can be a good choice for added sustain. Junglers should always choose Smite for efficient jungle clearing.

Playstyle – Embrace Your Win Condition

Each champion has its own win condition, and understanding and playing towards it is crucial. For AP Jarvan IV in the support role, your win condition is diving the backline and causing chaos in team fights. Use your E>Q combo to reach the ADC, knock up the front line, and use your R to limit their escape options.

In close-combat team fights, use your W and E abilities to buff allies and debuff enemies. Optimal item choices for this playstyle are Moonstone Renewer and Chemtech Purifier.

With the damage-focused build and Phase Rush setup, your job is to chip away at opponents using your E and potentially your Q if they’re within range. Once they’re low enough, engage and use your R to trap them. Your teammates should be able to finish them off.

Champions to Watch Out For

Full AP Jarvan IV Champions League of Legends Guide

When playing AP Jarvan IV, it’s important to be aware of champions that can counter your playstyle. Avoid picking AP Jarvan IV into heavy-engage compositions featuring champions like Leona and Kalista, as they can easily dive your backline and evade your counter-engage.

As a solo laner, be cautious of champions with high self-healing, such as Aatrox, and tanks like Tahm Kench, who can nullify your poke damage and disrupt your farming.

By selecting your matchups wisely and playing skillfully, you’ll have a good chance of success.

The Bottom Line

AP Jarvan IV is a niche pick that may not appeal to everyone. However, if you’re looking to try something different and have experience with Jarvan IV, it’s worth exploring. Playing AP Jarvan IV as a support can catch the enemy team off guard and disrupt their game plan.

For more League of Legends builds, check out our guide to lethality Ashe!