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Analyzing the ADC Issue of TSM

Announcement: TSM Tries Out Keith to Motivate WildTurtle

Team SoloMid (TSM) has recently announced that they will be trying out Yuri “Keith” Jew in scrims alongside Jason “WildTurtle” Tran. This decision has been met with mixed reactions from the community, as explained in this article.

WildTurtle’s Performance Issues

WildTurtle’s gameplay has drastically declined, prompting TSM to take this action. He currently ranks as one of the worst players in the ADC role statistically, with low damage output and poor positioning. This is a surprise considering his past performances on champions like Jinx and Tristana. TSM’s decision to prioritize Kalista this split has not worked out, leading to the need for change.

TSM’s Lack of a Secondary Carry

TSM’s main carry is Bjergsen, but they lack a consistent secondary carry. This puts a lot of pressure on the other players to carry WildTurtle through the early game. TSM’s failure to find a solution to this problem has been evident in their performance at MSI.

TSM’s Lack of Foresight

If TSM was aware of WildTurtle’s performance issues after MSI, they should have considered other options for the ADC position. There were high-quality ADCs available at that time, such as Altec, Freeze, and Forgiven. However, TSM’s decision to hold tryouts in the middle of the season limited their options.

Why TSM Chose Keith

TSM chose Keith to try out because they were unable to import a player due to visa issues. Keith also has experience playing with TSM players in duo queue and has performed well in the LCS with Team Liquid. Considering the limited options, Keith was the best choice for TSM.

In conclusion, TSM’s decision to try out Keith may provide some consistency in the botlane, but it does not solve the larger problem of TSM’s lack of a secondary carry. The lack of foresight and personal attachment to a veteran player has put TSM in a difficult position for international competitions. TSM will have to rely on an inconsistent player or a semi-rookie to become their secondary carry if they want to have a chance at a good showing in Worlds this year.

Key words: TSM, WildTurtle, Keith, ADC, performance issues, secondary carry, foresight, visa issues, Team Liquid, MSI, Worlds.