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Analyzing: Kuro’s Mid Sion in GE Tigers

Mid Sion Building Banner of Command: A Surprising Development in the Competitive Scene

The appearance of Mid Sion building Banner of Command in the competitive meta was a surprise to many in the LCK Region. Teams and analysts are now questioning whether this is a viable pick for them. In this article, we will evaluate the concept, build, and results of Kuro’s mid Sion to shed some light on this fascinating development in the LoL competitive scene.

The Premise

The GE Tigers have a history of innovation in the LoL competitive scene, with previous picks like the “Juggermaw” composition and the return of Viktor to competitive play. The mid Sion pick can be analyzed based on our understanding of the champion.

During pick/ban phase, GE chooses Sion as a flex pick, making CJ think Sion is going top lane. This allows GE to adapt their composition and counter the matchup against LeBlanc later in the game.

The Composition

The Sion pick offers some advantages in the matchup with LeBlanc. Sion’s high early game base AD and hp scaling from his W allow him to farm safely in lane. Additionally, Sion’s ult can be used effectively from mid lane to quickly roam to side lanes. This provides map control and offsets LeBlanc’s roaming potential.

However, mid Sion does have weaknesses, particularly in the early game against opponents with high kill pressure. Despite this, a mid Sion that reaches mid-game without falling too far behind can be a strong pick in the right team composition.

The team composition of Kennen, Jarvan, Sion, Sivir, and Morgana relies on heavy teamfighting and objective control. Their goal is to win neutral objective team fights and create a strong siege situation with the help of Baron and two Banner of Commands.

The Build

Kuro runs mid Sion with AD Quints, Hybrid Pen marks, Scaling HP seals, and Scaling MR glyphs. These runes and masteries correspond with Sion’s role as a frontline tank. Kuro’s build order includes Crystalline Flask for sustain, Banshee’s Veil and Aegis for magic resistance against CJ’s AP-heavy team, and two Banner of Commands for additional siege potential.

The Play

In the game, GE’s early objective control and Sion’s mid-game strengths help them gain an advantage. A critical turning point occurs when Kennen and Sion reach their appropriate thresholds for teamfighting, and GE is able to take control of neutral objectives and siege with their Banner of Commands. This leads to their victory against CJ.


The use of mid Sion with Banner of Command in the game against CJ raises interesting questions about its viability. The surprise factor, excellent wave control, and teamfighting potential make it a strong pick. However, it requires strong coordination and understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Other objective and wave-focused strategies may emerge as a result of this development.

Mid Sion, Banner of Command, GE Tigers, CJ Entus, LCK Region, LoL competitive scene