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Analysis of the FW vs KOO Game 1: A Comprehensive Look at the Game Afterward

KOO vs FW: Game Recap

Both teams had an interesting ban phase, deviating from the usual bans. KOO denied Karsa, the FW jungler, by banning his preferred champions. They also targeted PraY, FW’s ADC, by banning champions that he excels at.

Team Compositions

FW: A poke comp with strong zoning but lacking reliable engage, CC, and disengage. They have a weak front-line and strong split pushing capabilities. Their win condition is to farm up early game, group in the mid game to siege towers using poke advantage, and avoid getting engaged upon.

KOO: A “jugger-Jinx” comp with a big front-line, good engage, decent disengage, and wave clear. They have good kiting potential and their win condition is to survive the early game, group by mid game for objectives, and force 5v5 fights while engaging hard onto the enemy team.

Game Execution

KOO dominated the early game, with Kuro leading the way and applying relentless pressure on Gangplank mid. However, FW did a good job of just holding the side lanes and keeping up in CS. FW turned the game around at around 16 minutes when they countered KOO’s bot outer turret take with a Morgana flash ult. They followed this up by taking dragon and sieging mid. KOO made good attempts to flank and get back into the game, but their lack of focus and poor engage allowed FW to win fights. FW maintained good vision throughout the game and positioned well to minimize their losses. In the end, FW pushed for the win and secured the victory.


Stats show even gold distribution for both teams, with Karsa on FW getting a larger portion as Nidalee. Damage-wise, Jinx dealt the most for KOO, while Maple and NL performed well for FW. FW had better vision control throughout the game and maintained it even when they were behind.

Statistics pulled from match history and

keywords: KOO, FW, game recap, team compositions, game execution, statistics