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Analysis of Pick/Ban Phase: Fnatic vs IG

Game 1: Fnatic vs. Invictus Gaming (IG)


Darius and Lulu are comfort bans because of their strength and versatility. Fnatic wants to run a Sivir composition, and the Vayne ban allows for that set up. IG heavily prioritizes Braum, but their lack of play with Alistar indicates a potential weakness. The Gangplank ban denies Huni a free laning phase. Bans indicate that Fnatic wants to run a Sivir composition and have left up all strong mid picks outside of Lulu.


Fnatic first picks Elise, which is a comfort and safe pick for the jungle. IG counters with Thresh and Skarner. Fnatic picks Sivir and Shen, and IG picks Riven and Ashe. Fnatic’s last two picks of Hecarim and Azir are geared towards shutting down Riven. Fnatic has control in the lane swap because they can go bottom and deny Riven through the early game.

IG picks Viktor into Azir, which gives them burst but lacks teamfighting capability.

IG seems to have been caught off guard by the Shen support, and their pickban strategy was poor overall.

Related esports news, Fnatic, Invictus Gaming, Comfort bans, Sivir composition, Gangplank ban, Skarner power spike, Shen support, Teamfighting capability