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Analysis of Damage Dealt: Uncovering the Top Carry, Sleeper Player, and more Revealing Insights from Week 1 of Worlds

In this article, we will be looking at the damage dealt statistics to champions during the Group Stage of Worlds. We will analyze the total damage dealt as well as the percentage of each player’s team’s damage. Let’s dive into the insights we have found.

The King of Carries

Bjergsen, the mid laner and shot-caller for Team SoloMid, has been facing immense pressure and high expectations. In a Legends Rising episode called “Kings,” Quickshot proclaimed him as the best player in the world in a 1v1 scenario. And Bjergsen is proving that he might just be living up to that title on the Worlds stage.

During the first three matches of the Group Stage, Bjergsen stands out from the rest of the players. He holds the top spot for both total damage dealt and percentage of TSM’s damage dealt among the 81 participants at Worlds.

He has done over 80k total damage and contributed 44.8% of TSM’s damage, which is almost half of the team’s total. Bjergsen is carrying his team in every sense of the word.

Both TSM Dyrus and TSM Santorin rank near the bottom for their respective positions in these categories. This suggests that TSM heavily relies on Bjergsen, and for TSM to succeed and advance, the rest of the team needs to step up their game.

The Most Underrated Player of the Tournament…

is none other than C9 Incarnati0n.

Despite his nerdy appearance, Incarnati0n has been a force to be reckoned with on the Rift at Worlds.

In the midst of the attention given to the return of Hai, Cloud 9’s Gauntlet run, and the Diamond 2 memes, Incarnati0n has gone under the radar after being criticized for Cloud 9’s struggles during the NA LCS Summer Split.

While his teammates have been in the spotlight, Incarnati0n has quietly emerged as Cloud 9’s carry with his performance on Veigar and Azir.

With 74.8k damage dealt, Incarnati0n has contributed 38% of C9’s total damage, putting him in the same conversation as TSM Bjergsen, CLG Doublelift, KT Arrow, and OG xPeke for the tournament’s best carry. Quite an impressive feat.

To top it off, Incarnati0n currently holds the record for the most damage dealt in a single match by a single player in the tournament. In his incredible performance on Azir against IG, he dealt a whopping 39.2k damage. Not bad for someone who faced doubts during Cloud 9’s struggles. Opponents will definitely be keeping an eye on him during picks and bans in Week 2.

Additional Insights

ADC-centric playstyles. Both CLG and KT heavily rely on their ADC for damage, while their mid laners rank last in their respective positions. Shutting down their ADCs is crucial for opponents to succeed against these teams.

Strength of balance. SKT has shown that having a hard carry is not necessary for success at Worlds. With multiple threats in Bang, Faker, and MaRin, SKT has proven to be one of the most balanced teams so far.

LGD’s struggles. LGD TBQ’s sickness and being targeted during picks and bans affected his performance, ranking him last among all junglers in damage dealt. Pyl, LGD’s support, actually leads all supports in damage dealt. This has led to LGD’s disappointing 0-3 start.

Top lane emphasis. The top laners of the 3 LCK teams, KOO, SKT, and KT, rank highly in percentage of team damage dealt. This may be due to their regional playstyle or their individual talent.

BKT didn’t stand a chance. The Bangkok Titans, with a challenging group draw, have been overpowered in their matches, dealing significantly less damage than other teams. It’s safe to say that they won’t repeat their success from last year.

FW have been in some bloodbaths. The Flash Wolves lead all teams in damage dealt, with Maple and NL standing out with their outstanding performances against KOO. However, this hasn’t translated into more victories for FW.

More to learn. While this data was gathered from only three matches, it provides a glimpse into the playstyles and philosophies of teams. We’re excited to see how teams will adjust in Week 2. For the source of the data, click here.