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Analysis of Clash for 2nd Place in EU LCS by tsQ

The Summer Split EU LCS 2015 Match between H2K and Origen: A Closer Look

H2K and Origen battled it out in one of the most important matches of the Summer Split EU LCS 2015. Both teams were vying for 2nd place and a spot in the playoffs semifinals. They had their eyes set on the World Championships and needed to rack up points to secure a direct promotion or start in the Regionals with an NA team. Origen had the upper hand going into the match, having won the first game and leading by one win. Meanwhile, H2K was on a losing streak with a 1-3 record in the last two weeks. Origen had a slightly better track record with a 2-2 score.

Key Players and Champions to Watch

Before we delve into the analysis of the match, it’s important to know the players and champions that were in the spotlight. Origen’s founder and captain, xPeke, was the standout player for the team. The champions to watch out for were Vlad with a 4-1 score and Varus with a 3-0 score. Another notable player was sOAZ, who had previously played for Fnatic. His most frequently picked champion was Rumble, with an impressive 5-0 record. The team’s jungler, Amazing, who previously played for TSM, had a 5-2 record on Gragas. The bot lane belonged to Niels and Mithy, with ADC usually playing Corki, Sivir, or Kalista, and the support picking Thresh or Alistar – both champions having been picked 4 times. H2K’s favored team composition was hypercarry, while Origen preferred poke. It was also worth noting that Origen often chose unique setups in the EU LCS, so the pick and ban phase could bring unexpected scenarios.

Analysis of the Game

The pick and ban phase was crucial in determining the strategies for both teams. H2K’s tactic was to take away Origen’s most dangerous champions by banning Varus, Vlad, and Alistar, and picking Thresh to counter Mithy. Origen responded with toplane bans of Rumble and Ryze, and picked Corki and Rek’Sai. H2K surprised everyone by picking Gragas and Fizz instead of their usual picks of Kalista and Gragas. Origen countered Fizz with two flex picks: Shen and Lulu. The pick and ban phase ended with H2K picking Kalista and Twisted Fate. In my opinion, H2K’s draft choices were questionable and didn’t seem to fit their win conditions. Origen picked Viktor as the perfect counter to H2K’s no escape setup.

When the game started, both teams seemed evenly matched. H2K attempted a gank on the top lane with Twisted Fate’s ultimate, but the execution was not perfect and it quickly turned against them. Origen capitalized on H2K’s mistakes and secured two easy kills, while H2K lost two people, two towers, a dragon, and a significant gold advantage.

Both teams continued to make moves and trade kills, but H2K found themselves falling further behind. Origen took advantage of their superior team composition and secured more towers, dragons, and a Baron buff, gaining a substantial advantage. Despite being equal in gold, H2K struggled with their planning, communication, and decision-making, while Origen displayed excellent individual and team play.

The game ultimately ended in Origen’s favor, thanks to xPeke’s impressive play. With a Baron buff, Origen easily secured two more towers and took a commanding lead. H2K made some critical errors, allowing Origen to catch them off guard and secure a second Baron buff, ultimately leading to their victory.

The match was crucial for securing 2nd place in the EU LCS and a spot in the playoffs semifinals. H2K needed to prove they could perform well against top teams, but this match revealed their weaknesses in planning, communication, and decision-making. Origen showcased their prowess from the pick and ban phase to the confident closing of the match, displaying a high level of individual performance and teamplay.

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Related keywords: Summer Split EU LCS 2015, H2K, Origen, World Championships, playoffs, top 2, pick and ban phase, xPeke, Vlad, Varus, sOAZ, Rumble, Amazing, Gragas, Niels, Mithy, hypercarry, poke, pick & bans phase, Fizz, Shen, Lulu, Kalista, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Baron buff, playoffs semifinals