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An enigmatic League of Legends player achieves an astonishing 99.5 percent win rate

League of Legends Player Year Year U Fish Breaks Records with a 99.5% Win Rate in Flex Queue

League of Legends is a highly competitive game known for its ranked queues that challenge players’ skill and knowledge. While solo queue is the preferred mode for most players, flex queue offers a more casual and fun experience for groups of friends looking to climb together.

Year Year U Fish, a player in the League of Legends community, is making waves with an extraordinary win rate of 99.5% in flex queue. This impressive achievement stands out even more considering the common discrepancies between ranks in solo and flex queues due to boosting.

However, it is worth noting that Year Year U Fish’s profile raises some suspicions. Finishing the 2020 season in Bronze and the 2021 season in Diamond three suggests the possibility of account sharing, boosting, or selling. Another theory is that Year Year U Fish may be playing alongside a team of highly skilled smurfs on Platinum/Diamond accounts, strategically matching against lower-ranked opponents.

The exact truth behind these exceptional results remains unknown unless the Riot team investigates this matter and conducts a thorough examination of Year Year U Fish’s friends’ group, who have been dominating the flex queue with their performance.