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Amumu included in League’s Patch 10.24 preview for nerfs after Bami’s Cinder hotfix

Tentative Patch 10.24 Amumu Nerfs: Changes to Watch Out For

If you thought yesterday’s Bami’s Cinder tweaks were enough, buckle up for even more changes. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the gameplay design director at League of Legends, recently outlined the upcoming nerfs for Patch 10.24. This time, the focus is on Amumu, Kayle, Samira, and Hecarim. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for these champions.

Image via Riot Games

Amumu Nerfs: Balancing the Sad Mummy

The most significant change for Amumu is his W ability, Despair. Its base damage is being reduced from five to 15 to four to 12. Additionally, the ability’s AP ratio is being adjusted to 0.25% of maximum health for every 100 AP instead of a flat 0.5 AP ratio. Since many Amumu players build the burn item Demonic Embrace, this change will significantly reduce the jungler’s damage output.

Moreover, with the nerfs to Bami’s Cinder and its related items, which are receiving reduced burn damage to champions, minions, and monsters, Amumu should be more balanced in the upcoming patch.

Other Champions Affected

Aside from Amumu, other champions are also receiving adjustments in Patch 10.24. Kayle’s passive attack speed will be reduced from 10% per 100 AP to 5%, Samira’s passive melee bonus and dash range for immobilized targets will be lowered, and Hecarim’s passive AD bonus from movement speed and movement speed granted from Devastating Charge will decrease. These changes will make these champions less threatening to opposing carries.

On the brighter side, Tryndamere is getting a buff, with an increase in the passive AD on his Q ability. Galio’s passive will also properly scale with ability haste now.

Tentative Changes Subject to Alteration

It’s important to note that the balance adjustments for Patch 10.24 are still tentative and may be modified before the patch goes live.

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Patch 10.24, Amumu nerfs, League of Legends, balance adjustments, Kayle, Samira, Hecarim, Tryndamere, Galio