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Altec to Depart Winterfox Following Unexpected Demotion

League of Legends: Altec to leave Winterfox

North American AD carry Johnny “Altec” Ru is set to part ways with Winterfox following their relegation defeat, according to sources close to the player. Ru had already hinted at his departure by removing all Winterfox branding from his Twitter. His brief stint as a support player mid-season demonstrated the immense pressure he felt as the team’s main carry. Ru explained, “I felt like sometimes I couldn’t do anything productive in our matches and it was stressing me out.” After just one week, he moved back to the AD carry position.

Altec’s rise to dominance

Ru joined Evil Geniuses (now Winterfox) in the summer of 2014 after his Challenger team Cloud9 Tempest was defeated by Evil Geniuses in a closely contested match during the 2014 Summer Promotion Tournament. He quickly established himself as a dominant force in the League of Legends Championship Series, filling the shoes of retired player Peter “yellowpete” Wüppen. However, internal issues within the team, which were discussed in a lengthy Facebook post by support player Mitch “Krepo” Voorspoels, affected the team’s performance.

A difficult season and uncertain future

Winterfox, revamped with two new players, struggled throughout the season and eventually found themselves in a relegation battle against MSI Team Dragon Knights and their substitute mid laner Alexey “Alex Ich” Ichetovkin. After this disappointing defeat, it remains uncertain where Ru will go next. However, being one of the top AD carries in North America, he is likely to receive offers soon.

Winterfox declined to comment on this matter.

Photo via Riot Games/Flickr

League of Legends, Altec, Winterfox, AD carry, relegation, dominant, North America, offers