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Alphari makes a comeback to Team Liquid’s starting LCS roster, to split game time with Jenkins in week 6 of 2021 LCS Summer Split.

Team Liquid’s Alphari Set to Return to the LCS Roster

After spending most of the 2021 Summer Split away from competitive play, Team Liquid’s top laner Alphari is making his comeback to the main LCS roster for week six of the season, as announced by the organization today.

In the latest episode of Liquid’s seasonal vlog “SQUAD,” head coach Jonas “Kold” Andersen mentioned that Alphari is not yet the definitive starter and will be sharing playing time with Jenkins. The player who gives the highest chance of winning will play on stage. Kold expressed excitement about Alphari’s positive attitude and his ability to bounce back.

Alphari was benched after the first game of the season, which surprised many League of Legends fans and analysts. There was speculation about the reasons behind the decision, but no explanations or transparency were provided by Liquid during the first half of the split.

Towards the end of June, the team finally revealed that Alphari had been dealing with major health and family issues, which had led him to question his motivation and enjoyment of playing League. As a result, the talented 21-year-old was given a personal break until June 27th.

Following this news, Liquid’s head coach Jatt voluntarily resigned from the team. The organization also announced that veteran jungler Santorin would be temporarily stepping back from pro play due to ongoing health issues. In his absence, Academy jungler Armao has taken his place.

Currently, Liquid holds fourth place with an 8-7 record. The team has been missing Alphari’s strength in the top lane, which he brought during the 2021 Spring Split. With his return to the lineup, confidence should be soaring for both players and fans.

You can watch Liquid in action today as they face off against Team Dignitas at 9pm CT.

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Related Team Liquid, Alphari, LCS roster, esports, League of Legends, top laner, competitive play, head coach, playing time, Jenkins, bounce back, health issues, family issues, motivation, Academy jungler, Team Dignitas