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All Runeterra Regions in League of Legends – Exploring the 13 Regions in the Game

Runeterra: A Guide to the 13 Regions in League of Legends

The continent of Runeterra in the League of Legends universe is comprised of thirteen distinct nations, each with its own story and role in the overall lore. While some regions receive more attention in the game’s narrative, all the nations of Runeterra play a significant part in the League universe.

Demacia: Upholding Honor and Justice

Demacia, the crown jewel of Runeterra, has a rich history characterized by strict laws and a strong military presence. However, the nation has recently encountered internal conflicts. The notorious mage hunter Sylas leads an internal revolution, while the noble families reject the appointment of Prince Jarvan IV. As political change sweeps across Runeterra, Demacia must resolve its internal issues and adapt to a changing world.

Related champions: Garen, Lux, Jarvan IV, Fiora, Sylas

Noxus: A Nation Built on Power and Glory

Noxus is a powerful empire driven by a thirst for war, conquest, and strength. The nation values merit and talent, offering its citizens the opportunity to rise to glory. Noxians prioritize traits such as strength, glory, and raw ability, which determine an individual’s standing within the empire.

Related champions: Darius, Swain, Draven, Katarina, Sion

Ionia: Striving for Peace and Balance

Ionia is a peaceful and majestic land that values balance above all else. However, when Noxus attacked Ionia, the nation was thrown into turmoil. Different factions within Ionia present conflicting viewpoints on the nation’s future. The Kinkou Order, led by Shen and Akali, seeks to restore peace, while the Shadow Order, led by Zed, desires vengeance against Noxus.

Related champions: Irelia, Shen, Kennen, Karma, Akali

Piltover: The Hub of Technology and Innovation

Piltover, known for its advancements in technology and innovation, is the center of creation in Runeterra. While Piltover lacks significant military strength, its booming economy and cultural growth make up for it. The city is home to some of the continent’s brightest minds.

Related champions: Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx, Ezreal, Jayce

Zaun: The Dark Underbelly of Piltover

Beneath the surface of Piltover lies Zaun, a city with unrestricted experimentation and technological advancement. Zaun mirrors Piltover’s desire for progress but lacks the same regulations. The city’s unchecked advancement leads to dangerous and unpredictable outcomes, making it unwelcoming to the average citizen.

Related champions: Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Urgot, Warwick

Bandle City: The Enigmatic Home of the Yordles

Bandle City is the mystical home of the Yordles, existing beyond the material plane and accessible only through shifting portals. The city remains hidden to most, with only a few mortals catching glimpses of its wonders. The otherworldly nature of Bandle City can be deceiving to the untrained eye.

Related champions: Teemo, Tristana, Lulu, Corki

Freljord: A Frigid Land of Tribes and Clashing Ideals

The Freljord is a frozen and harsh tundra where tribes battle for survival and power amidst endless winter. The ruling Avarosan tribe, led by Ashe, seeks unity and peace, while the Winter’s Claw, led by Sejuani, pursues conquest through war. The mysterious Frostguard, led by Lissandra, aims to bury Freljord and the rest of Runeterra in ice.

Related champions: Ashe, Braum, Volibear, Sejuani, Lissandra

Mount Targon: The Sacred Peak of Runeterra

Mount Targon, the highest peak in Runeterra, attracts those seeking wisdom and the power of the stars. Climbing the mountain is treacherous, and those who reach its summit rarely divulge their experiences. Some return with a marked change in their being, while others become infused with the power of the stars.

Related champions: Leona, Diana, Pantheon, Taric

The Shadow Isles: A Realm of Death and Chaos

The Shadow Isles are cursed with eternal suffering, their connection to the Spirit World shattered. The Black Mist seeps from the Isles, inflicting a curse on anyone who enters. Restless spirits thrive in the Mist, causing terror wherever they roam.

Related champions: Thresh, Senna, Karthus, Yorick

Bilgewater: A Lawless Port City

Bilgewater is a “free city” beyond the reach of any governing authority or trade regulations. Its inhabitants include pirates, cultists, and mischief-makers. Travelers seeking refuge must remain vigilant in this lawless city as crime runs rampant.

Related champions: Miss Fortune, Gangplank, Graves, Twisted Fate

Ixtal: Masters of Elemental Magic

Ixtal is a region renowned for its mastery of elemental magic, using it to defend against external threats. Ixtal is proud of its survival from attacks by extraplanar invaders, such as the creatures from the Void. The nation views itself as superior to others and holds disdain for neighboring nations.

Related champions: Qiyana, Neeko, Nidalee, Zyra

Shurima: A Fallen Empire Revisited

Shurima was once a glorious empire ruled by the Ascended, warriors infused with god-like power. However, when Emperor Azir attempted to become one of the Ascended, the ritual failed catastrophically, resulting in the empire’s downfall. Today, Shurima is a land of myths and legends.

Related champions: Renekton, Nasus, Azir, Cassiopeia

The Void: Devourers of Runeterra

The Void seeks to consume all of Runeterra, and its abominations are focused solely on destruction. Mortals who venture into the Void rarely return alive.

Related champions: Kha’Zix, Kai’Sa, Rek’Sai, Kog’Maw

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Runeterra, Demacia, Noxus, Ionia, Piltover, Zaun, Bandle City, Freljord, Mount Targon, Shadow Isles, Bilgewater, Ixtal, Shurima, The Void