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Akali, Galio, and Jayce to receive significant changes in Patch 9.11 following their strong performance at MSI

Champion Diversity Takes a Hit at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational

In the realm of competitive gaming, champion diversity plays a crucial role in keeping the gameplay exciting and unpredictable. However, the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) witnessed a decline in champion diversity compared to the previous year. While last year’s MSI and Worlds saw no champion being picked or banned in every game, this time around, there were three champions that achieved this feat. Jarvan IV, in particular, was just one game away from joining the exclusive club.

Riot Responds with Nerfs to Akali, Galio, and Jayce

Riot Games, the developer of the popular game League of Legends, has taken note of this lack of champion diversity and has decided to address the issue. In the latest patch, Patch 9.11, Riot is introducing significant nerfs to three of the strongest champions in competitive play: Akali, Galio, and Jayce. Akali and Jayce were both part of the 100 percent pick-ban club, while Galio was not far behind. In fact, Jayce was banned in all but three games, with a staggering 39 bans, surpassing the second-place Akali by 10 bans.

Nerfs to Jayce, Akali, and Galio

The nerf to Jayce is relatively straightforward. His rank five Q will suffer a reduction of 25 damage. The new Q’s base damage will scale at 70/115/160/205/250/295, down from 70/120/170/220/270/320. Additionally, his AD ratio will be nerfed from 1.20 to 1.00. These changes aim to make Jayce less oppressive in the late game, preventing him from obliterating squishy targets with a single empowered Q. However, it’s important to note that Jayce will still maintain his strength in the early game.

Akali, on the other hand, will face mid- to late-game nerfs. Her passive ability will refund less energy, granting 10/15/20 energy instead of the previous 10/20/30 energy at levels 1/8/13. Furthermore, the ratios on her empowered auto attack will be reduced from 0.9x bonus AD and 0.7x AP to 0.6x bonus AD and 0.5x AP.

While not as dominant as Akali and Jayce, Galio found success as a support champion at MSI. His nerfs, particularly targeting his early game, will result in reduced damage on both his W and E abilities. His W’s AP ratio will increase from 0.2x AP to 0.3x, encouraging players to consider picking him for mid lane or adopting an aggressive support playstyle.

Future Implications and the Rise of Sylas and Taric

Interestingly, these impactful nerfs do not extend to other strong champions such as Sylas and Taric. As a result, we can expect to see more of Sylas in the solo lane as a flexible pick and Taric in the bot lane, particularly in combination with Sona, when the Summer Split kicks off this week.

Overall, these adjustments to champion balance aim to promote diversity and strategy, ensuring that the competitive scene remains thrilling for players and spectators alike.

champion diversity, 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, League of Legends, Riot Games, nerfs, Akali, Galio, Jayce, Sylas, Taric