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Ahri: AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Is Ahri an AP or AD Champion?

Ahri is predominantly an AP-based champion. All of her abilities have AP scaling, meaning that building AD items on her would not improve her abilities. Ahri is a nuker mage who excels at dealing high amounts of damage to one or multiple enemies. It is best to focus on building pure AP items, such as flat AP items or penetration items, for maximum effectiveness.

Best Ahri Build Depending on the Enemy’s Team Composition

Here are two suggested builds depending on the enemy’s team composition:

  • AD-based enemy team: Zhonya’s Hourglass, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Horizon Focus, Cosmic Drive, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Rabbadon’s Deathcap.
  • Tank-based enemy team: Void Staff, Demonic Embrace, Hextech Rocketbelt, Rylai’s Scepter, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Cosmic Drive.

Best Runes for Ahri

  • Electrocute: Easily procced when Ahri lands her taunt on an enemy.
  • Taste of Blood: Synergizes with Ahri’s passive heal from her Q and can be used frequently due to her poke playstyle.
  • Eyeball Collection: Gains strength as Ahri accumulates stacks, making her stronger in the mid game.
  • Ultimate Hunter: Ahri’s ultimate is her best initiation ability with low cooldowns.
  • Biscuit Delivery: Provides free HP and mana potions, increasing her mana pool with each consumption.
  • Timewarp Tonic: Can be used during trades to instantly heal half of a potion’s regeneration.

What Lane Can Ahri Be Played In?

Ahri is primarily played in the mid lane. However, she can be played as a support in the bottom lane in certain situations, depending on the enemy’s picks. With her fast wave clear, Ahri excels as a mid laner who can gain lane priority and then roam to other lanes to assist her teammates. Her ultimate provides great playmaking potential when ganking other lanes.

Best Ahri Counters and Champions She is Strong Against

  • Counters: Diana, Cho’Gath, and Neeko have the ability to immobilize Ahri, preventing her from using her ultimate effectively to disengage.
  • Strong Against: Malzahar, Ryze, and Nunu & Willump are champions who rely on vertical skillshots and need to be in close range to damage Ahri. She can easily shut down their entire combo with her taunt ability.


Ahri is a versatile champion who can fit into almost any team composition. Her low pick rate counters give her team a strategic advantage during the picks and bans phase. As an ability power champion, it is crucial to build items that enhance her damage output. Ahri’s excellent wave management skills and roaming potential make her a formidable opponent. Master her abilities and enjoy playing her in your next game!