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Against all odds, Elyoya leads MAD Lions to LEC Spring Finals against Team BDS.

MAD Lions Make Impressive Run to LEC Spring Finals

MAD Lions proved their doubters wrong as they secured their spot in the LEC Spring Finals after a challenging journey in the 2023 LEC Spring Split group stage. Despite a rough start in the playoffs, they managed to defeat Vitality and advance to the finals.

MAD Lions Showcased Composure and Confidence in Playoffs

In the series on April 22, MAD Lions displayed composure and confidence, fearlessly engaging in multiple fights and skirmishes during the early stages of the game.

Impressive Teamfighting and Individual Performances

MAD Lions exhibited impressive teamfighting skills, with players like Zdravets “Hylissang” Galabov making perfect plays with Nautilus, Kim “Chasy” Dong-hyeon flashing in with a five-man Kennen ultimate, and Javier “Elyoya” Prades Batalla dominating the jungle with well-timed ganks and fearless engages with Vi and Lee Sin.

Elyoya, the 23-year-old jungler, received the Player of the Series award for his outstanding performance, contributing 14 kills, 35 assists, and only five deaths across the four games. He also expressed his desire for MAD Lions to earn their place in the 2023 Mid-Season Invitational through their achievements rather than relying on championship points.

Other Players Stepping Up

Aside from Elyoya, other MAD Lions players have stepped up in their journey to the finals. Matyáš “Carzzy” Orság has shown a more aggressive playstyle in the past two series, while Hylissang has regained his confidence on engage champions. Chasy has dominated his opponents in the laning phase, and Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer has emerged as a major carry threat from the mid lane.

Challenging Task Ahead Against Dominant BDS

MAD Lions will face a tough opponent in BDS, the best team in the league. BDS has not lost a single game since the second week of the regular season and has proven to be one of the strongest teamfighting teams in Europe. MAD Lions will need to carry their momentum into the finals to have a chance against BDS.

Don’t miss the clash between MAD Lions and BDS tomorrow at 11am CT.

MAD Lions, LEC Spring Finals, League of Legends, playoffs, teamfighting, Player of the Series, Mid-Season Invitational, BDS