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After 3 weeks of pro play, Akali’s pick-ban rate is an unbelievable 99.4 percent

Akali Remains a Highly Contested Pick Among Pro Players

Three weeks have passed since the beginning of competitive League of Legends, and one thing remains constant: pro players’ disdain for Akali. With a staggering global pick and ban rate of 99.4 percent across all leagues, it’s clear that this Rogue Assassin is a force to be reckoned with.

Akali has been picked nine times worldwide and has been banned a whopping 167 times. The only league where she was neither picked nor banned was the TCL. She was also picked twice in the Turkish league but failed to secure a victory in both matchups.

Akali’s Dominance in the League of Legends Scene

After approximately three weeks of professional play, it has become evident that Akali is one of the most sought-after champions. Her unparalleled playmaking abilities, combined with her elusive shroud and various mobility spells, have made her a nightmare for opponents. Consequently, she has consistently been banned in both the LEC and LCS tournaments and has only seen the stage nine times.

Nevertheless, the question arises: Was the Akali rework a failure?

Recent Nerfs Impact Akali’s Performance

Recent updates to Akali’s kit in patch 10.3 have significantly impacted her performance. Her mobility took a hit, with her ultimate now exclusively targeting champions and not allowing direction choice. Additionally, her Q ability underwent an energy cost increase, diminishing her laning phase strength and overall late-game effectiveness.

As a result, Akali currently holds the lowest win rate among mid lane champions, sitting at a meager 39.73 percent. With teams likely transitioning to patch 10.3 soon, it is expected that Akali’s presence on the stage will dwindle in the coming weeks.

For more information on Akali’s performance and statistics, you can visit

League of Legends, Akali, pick and ban rate, professional play, Rogue Assassin, LEC, LCS, rework, nerfs, win rate, mid lane champion.