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Afreeca Freecs defeat KT Rolster

Afreeca Freecs Defeat KT Rolster in Hard-Fought Victory

Afreeca Freecs started day two of the LCK with a hard-fought victory over KT Rolster. Unlike KT Rolster, Afreeca Freecs came into today’s match as a bit of a question mark. With the loss of star top laner Jang “MaRin” Gyeong-hwan and the creation of a 10-man roster over the offseason, it was hard to evaluate Afreeca as a team. However, despite MaRin’s absence, Afreeca looked better than ever.

Afreeca were able to contest KT Rolster’s strong early game and consistently found leads through their opponents’ shaky macro play. Jungler Lee “Spirit” Da-yoon played exceptionally well, often turning KT’s attempts to make plays around.

KT also found ways to punish Afreeca in the mid to late game, a point in the match where this KT roster has historically struggled. In game two, KT took advantage of Afreeca top laner Kim “Kiin” Gi-in’s bot lane split push and secured a quick and decisive Baron take. This allowed KT to snowball and even up the series.

Unfortunately for KT, their mid-game prowess did not persist into game three. Afreeca mid laner Lee “Kuro” Seo-haeng picked off members of KT with Malzahar’s ultimate, allowing Afreeca to gain a significant lead and secure the series victory.

Afreeca Freecs will return to stage play on Jan. 23, when they face KING-ZONE DragonX.

Afreeca Freecs, KT Rolster, LCK, victory, top laner, question mark, 10-man roster, macro play, jungler, plays, mid to late game, Baron take, series, mid laner, picks, objectives, stage play, KING-ZONE DragonX