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Abbedagge finds LEC mid laners lacking any challenge

Excel Esports Star Abbedagge Criticizes LEC Mid Lane Talent Pool

After helping Excel Esports reach its first LEC finals this year, professional League of Legends star Felix “Abbedagge” Braun expressed his thoughts on the decline of mid lane talent in the region. According to Abbedagge, many mid laners in the LEC are not as formidable as they used to be, posing less of a threat to their opponents.

The 23-year-old recently appeared on the Euro League podcast, where he openly discussed the level of competition in the league’s mid lane. He did not hold back when it came to sharing his opinions about his fellow peers.

“Even when I came back with Excel in spring, I was scrimming against people and I [thought] there was no pressure,” Abbedagge said. “I’m coming in, and I’m solo killing [and] taking over these lanes… it doesn’t feel like there’s a challenge at all. We didn’t scrim Caps, but it really felt like there’s no great competition.”

Abbedagge made it clear that his remarks were not meant to be seen as arrogant. He acknowledged that he wasn’t playing at his best level at the start of the year and has yet to reach the level he aspires to. However, he believes that many LEC mid laners are not capitalizing on favorable matchups as much as they could.

The podcast also touched on the lack of aggression in the mid lane compared to previous seasons. It was noted that many players are adopting a more passive playstyle.

During the 2023 Summer Split regular season, only three mid laners ranked in the top 20 for the highest average gold difference at 10 minutes, as per League stats aggregate Oracle’s Elixir. Caps, Humanoid, and Larssen were the sole players in their role who consistently gained a significant early-game advantage. The rest of the mid laners in the league were on par with their opponents.

It seems that LEC mid laners are not asserting themselves enough and leveraging their strength to pressure their opponents into making mistakes or securing easy kills. This is in stark contrast to other regions, such as the LPL, known for their extremely aggressive play from the very beginning.

As the 2023 LEC Season Finals draw near, Abbedagge and the rest of Excel will need to elevate their gameplay even further. This tournament presents an opportunity for them to qualify for the prestigious 2023 World Championship in South Korea.

esports, League of Legends, LEC, mid lane talent, competition, aggression, Excel Esports, Abbedagge, LPL, 2023 LEC Season Finals, World Championship, South Korea