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Aatrox’s upcoming rework will bring the biggest gameplay update ever to a champion.

Aatrox Champion Update: The Biggest Gameplay Update in League of Legends

It has been quite some time since any news about the promised rework for Aatrox has surfaced. However, according to Riot’s recent announcement, we now have a better understanding of just how significant this champion update will be. And let’s be honest, it’s going to be massive.

As a matter of fact, it will be the largest gameplay update ever seen in League of Legends.

The Disappointment with Aatrox

When Aatrox was first released four years ago, many players were ecstatic to play him. And who could blame them? A demon armed with a bloodthirsty sword – it doesn’t get much cooler than that. Unfortunately, the excitement quickly turned into disappointment as we realized that he didn’t play like the bloodthirsty demon we expected. Instead, he played like a wet noodle. Some might even say he played like Urgot.

Ambiguity Surrounding Aatrox and Urgot

Yes, Aatrox played like Urgot. Although they are different champions with distinct issues, their situations share a common problem—they lack clear definition. Take Urgot, for example. We know he is a Noxian warrior who is incredibly difficult to kill, but what is his role in the game? Is he a tank, an ADC, or both? The answer is unclear. Similarly, Aatrox is an odd combination of a tank, an AD burst assassin, and an attack speed on-hit monster like Master Yi. And trust us, it’s not a pretty mix.

The Need for a Major Redesign

While Aatrox’s concept is undeniably cool, his gameplay falls short of capturing the essence of a bloodthirsty demon warrior. That’s why he requires a significant redesign rather than just a few buffs. Although there were patches earlier this year that aimed to improve him, they were merely temporary fixes, as Riot openly disclosed.

Nevertheless, it is evident that this forthcoming substantial update is necessary. Unfortunately, it is still far away. Nonetheless, we now have some insights into what to expect.

Aatrox champion update, gameplay update, League of Legends, disappointment, redesign