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Aatrox, Singed, and Camille undergo nerfs on PBE

Three Top Lane Champions Set to Receive Nerfs in League of Legends

In a recent update to the League of Legends Public Beta Environment, three top lane champions are facing nerfs. Singed and Camille, who have been dominating the meta, will be toned down, while Aatrox, who was recently reworked, will receive nerfs before his live release with Patch 8.13 next week.

Aatrox’s Jungling Potential Takes a Hit

Aatrox’s jungling potential is being heavily impacted in the latest PBE update. His Q ability, The Darkin Sword, will now do 10 percent bonus damage against monsters, down from 15 percent. This change will significantly slow down his clear time and make him less viable in the jungle role. Since Aatrox heavily relies on his Q for damage, the lengthy initial cooldown makes it hard for him to efficiently clear camps.

Nerfs to Camille’s Jungling and Ganking Power

Unlike Aatrox, Camille has been thriving as a jungle champion recently. Her quick clear and strong gank potential have solidified her as one of the top picks in the role. However, her E ability, Hookshot, is being nerfed, with its base damage reduced by 15 to 55 damage depending on the level. This significant decrease in damage will slow down her jungle clear, weaken her ganks, and might even push her out of the top tier of junglers.

Singed’s Power Level Adjusted

Singed has also risen in popularity in the current meta. Once seen as a troll pick, Singed’s damage and tankiness have made him a highly effective top laner. In order to bring him back in line, the maximum percent health damage on his E ability, Fling, is being lowered from six to eight percent to three to seven percent. This change will significantly reduce Singed’s early game power while only slightly affecting his late game. Additionally, the mana cost on his Q ability, Poison Trail, is being reverted to its live value of 13 from 17.

These nerfs to Camille and Aatrox reflect Riot’s commitment to ensuring champions stick to their intended roles. The Singed nerfs were necessary to prevent him from dealing excessive damage as a tank. Barring any further adjustments, these changes are expected to go live next week.

Related keywords: League of Legends, top lane champions, nerfs, Singed, Camille, Aatrox, jungling, PBE update, Q ability, E ability, meta, jungle clear, ganks, power level, role, damage, tanks, Patch 8.13.