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Aatrox gets immediate buffs shortly after release

Aatrox Receives Hotfix Just Hours After Rework

Aatrox, the champion in the popular game League of Legends, has received a hotfix shortly after his rework was released. This hotfix brings some buffs to Aatrox’s abilities, including an entirely new mechanic added to his E, Umbral Dash.

New Mechanic Added to Umbral Dash

Umbral Dash now allows Aatrox to reset his auto-attack timer, enabling him to immediately basic attack after using the ability. While this may seem like a significant buff, Aatrox’s Q ability, The Darkin Blade, is crucial for dealing damage but can be challenging to hit without using Umbral Dash to reposition. Players will need to consider the trade-offs between using another basic attack and landing the Q ability.

Buffed Kit for Aatrox

Prior to the hotfix, Aatrox had a low winrate of 35 percent. However, with the buffs, it is expected that his performance will improve. Aatrox’s designer, Jeevun “RiotJag” Sidhu, has also mentioned the possibility of further reductions in the cooldown and cast time of his Q ability if Aatrox continues to underperform.

Aatrox’s Shift in Popularity

Before the rework, Aatrox was a highly sought-after top laner in the game, but he had struggled to maintain his position since his release in 2013. However, he experienced a slight resurgence around 2015. With these massive hotfixes, it is anticipated that Aatrox’s winrate will drop significantly until players learn how to effectively utilize his newly updated abilities.

Related keywords: Aatrox, League of Legends, rework, hotfix, buffs, Umbral Dash, Darkin Blade, winrate, designer, performance, top laner.