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A Unique Pick Is Emerging as the Top Laner in League of Legends

Quinn Emerges as Top Laner in League of Legends

In recent times, the champion Quinn has been making a name for herself in League of Legends. Previously seen as only a counter pick against Renekton players, Quinn is now rising through the ranks and is being considered as the best top laner in the game.

According to, in Patch 13.18, Quinn has the highest win rate among all top lane champions in games played at Emerald rank or higher. Her win rate of 53.83 percent surpasses every other top laner, with the closest being Akshan at 52.42 percent. The only champion-position combination with a higher win rate is bottom lane Swain.

Phoenix Quinn splash art League of Legends
Quinn has always been a pesky ranged top laner, but now she’s finally putting up big numbers. Image via Riot Games

What’s surprising is that Quinn was actually nerfed in Patch 13.17, with her Blinding Assault (Q) and Vault (E) abilities receiving direct hits to their overall damage. However, her go-to ability Heightened Senses (W) remains strong, and her early game, where she excels, has not been significantly affected.

One reason for Quinn’s effectiveness in high ranks is that top players have a better understanding of how to use her as a counter pick. She excels against melee champions like Renekton, Darius, and Aatrox, who she has historically dominated. According to, these champions have win rates against Quinn in the low-40s, despite playing thousands of games at Emerald+.

Quinn’s reputation as a go-to counter pick remains relevant, but now she is demonstrating consistent success to support that status.

With no changes planned for Quinn in League Patch 13.19, she is likely to maintain her dominant position in the high-rank meta for the foreseeable future.

Quinn, top laner, League of Legends, win rate, counter pick, high ranks, Patch 13.18,, nerfed, Blinding Assault, Vault, Heightened Senses, go-to ability, early game, top players, melee champions, counter pick, consistent success, high-rank meta, Patch 13.19.