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A powerful League of Legends bruiser reigns supreme in Bronze across different roles, despite struggling in higher Elo matches.

Several champions and items have been buffed or nerfed in every patch of League of Legends this season. These changes have had a significant impact on the win rates of certain champions, such as Annie and Malphite. Playing these meta champions is typically the way players climb the ranks during the ranked season. However, there are cases where players deviate from the meta and choose “off-meta” champions. These champions are often selected by players who specialize in them or as a way to surprise their opponents and secure a win.

In Patch 13.7 of League of Legends, the off-meta champion that seems to be raking in the wins, at least in Bronze Elo, is Mordekaiser. Bronze players have chosen Mordekaiser as their off-meta pick in two surprising roles – mid lane and jungle. In this rank, Mordekaiser boasts a 53.78 percent win rate in mid lane and a 53.05 percent win rate in the jungle.

Interestingly, while Mordekaiser is a dominating pick for Bronze players, he has a rather poor win rate in higher Elo, to the point where he is not even among the top 40 top lane champions in high Elo. In fact, in the Patch 13.7 cycle, Sylas has the highest win rate in the top lane for high Elo players.

It is unclear why Bronze players are gravitating towards off-lane Mordekaiser, especially since he has not received any recent buffs. However, Mordekaiser is a relatively easy champion to play and offers both sustainability and damage, which may explain why players are picking him.

Additionally, Mordekaiser has one of League’s most fun ultimates, allowing him to steal enemy carries and kill them in the shadow realm.

With Patch 13.8 set to roll out on April 19, we can expect to see more off-meta off-role champions popping up. is tipping Lillia to breakout again.

League of Legends, champions, buffs, nerfs, win rates, meta, off-meta, Bronze Elo, Mordekaiser, roles, high Elo, patches, Sylas, sustainability, damage, ultimate, Lillia.