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A player achieves Diamond II by specializing in Rek’Sai support

The Unlikely Off-Meta Success of Support Rek’Sai in League of Legends

As we reflect on the past season of League of Legends, it’s worth considering the champions we gravitated towards as they fluctuated in the meta. Champions like Ezreal, Varus, Sejuani, or Nautilus likely come to mind. We examine the numerous games we played on these champions, searching for our best shot at climbing the ranked ladder.

Yet, amidst the many champions and metas we experienced, did the thought of support Rek’Sai ever cross your mind? It certainly did for Shadarek, a Master-tier jungler and streamer who dedicated the entire season to playing Rek’Sai exclusively in a support role.

Yes, while we followed the meta, Shadarek climbed all the way to Diamond II by choosing the unconventional support Rek’Sai, likely surpassing our own achievements. By reaching Diamond, he entered the top two percent of all ranked players in North America according to League stats site Currently in Diamond II, this account ranks among the top 0.3 percent.

Admittedly, it stings.

Shadarek invested countless hours and played a total of 158 ranked games with one of the most off-meta picks you’ve probably ever heard of. When thinking of Rek’Sai, an AD diver-slash-assassin, top or mid lane might be considered as alternative roles. However, this player saw support Rek’Sai as the right choice.

The Inevitable Self-Evaluation

We shouldn’t judge Shadarek for playing such an unconventional pick, at least not as much as the countless teammates who likely criticized him. Instead, we should evaluate our own lack of creativity.

Throughout the year, we tirelessly played the strongest champions in the meta, while this individual sits in high Diamond with a 61 percent winrate on a seemingly absurd choice. It becomes clear that the champion we play matters less than our mastery of the game, a difficult truth to accept.

Perhaps it’s time for us to discard our Maokai, Ornn, and Xerath. Maybe it’s time to exclusively lock in Zyra jungle until we reach Challenger. Let’s strive to make the League community better.

League of Legends, esports, Rek’Sai, support Rek’Sai, meta, ranked ladder, Diamond, master-tier jungler, off-meta, unconventional pick, creativity