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A League of Legends champion’s passive ability enables incredibly long-ranged Statikk Shiv procs

How to Use Statikk Shiv with Seraphine in League of Legends

Since the return of Statikk Shiv in League of Legends Patch 13.10, you can now make the most of Seraphine’s passive, Stage Presence, to pull off long-ranged Statikk Shiv and Lich Bane procs.

What is Statikk Shiv?

Statikk Shiv is an item that made its comeback in Patch 13.10 in May 2023. Despite its 3,000 gold cost, it offers decent attack damage, attack speed, and critical strike chance. It also has a unique passive that allows you to build Energized stacks.

Stage Presence and Seraphine

Seraphine’s passive, Stage Presence, not only lets her double cast every third basic spell, but also grants bonus magic damage and range on her next basic attack when she uses her spells near allies. Each stack of Notes increases her attack range by 25 and consumes the Notes.

Maximizing Statikk Shiv and Lich Bane

During team fights where you’re near your allies, you can accumulate a significant number of Notes, enabling you to trigger Statikk Shiv from a greater distance. If you also have Lich Bane, which enhances your next attack and deals additional damage, you can quickly take down squishy opponents.

Recommended Runes and Items

To make this build work, choose the Sorcery rune tree with Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm. In the second rune tree, opt for Precision with Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace. Additionally, prioritize Ability Haste, Flex, and Defense based on the enemy’s composition.

As for items, start with Doran’s Ring and work towards Luden’s Tempest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and a situational last item. Use Ghost and Flash as your Summoner Spells.

Playing Seraphine with Statikk Shiv

This build is ideal for mid-lane or ADC playstyles. Focus on scaling and prioritize building your core items: Luden’s, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Lich Bane, Rabadon’s, and finally Statikk Shiv.

If you enjoy playing Seraphine, give this build a try, especially as Statikk Shiv is receiving a buff in Patch 13.11.

League of Legends, Statikk Shiv, Seraphine, Stage Presence, patch 13.10, Lich Bane, AP carry, mid-lane, ADC, build