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A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Ward Placement in the Top Lane

Importance of Vision in League of Legends

League of Legends relies heavily on player knowledge. Knowing more than your opponent gives you the upper hand. Counter Picking and mechanical skill are important, but without vision, you leave yourself vulnerable to ganks and defeat. In the Top Lane, where ganks are common, proper warding and counter-warding are crucial for survival and success.

Map and Lane Awareness–Where Do I Look in LoL?

While it’s difficult to achieve Faker-level map awareness, there are practical ways to improve your map and lane awareness in League of Legends. Vision is key to tracking enemy movements and making effective plans. Keeping an eye on your minimap, increasing your team’s vision, and paying attention to enemy behavior are all important for success. Utilizing wards and map awareness can lead to early kills and overall better gameplay.

The Ward, The Trinket, and the Sweeper

League of Legends has limited the number of wards players can purchase and place, making vision more valuable. Players now have three options: control wards, trinkets, and sweepers. Control wards provide vision and counter-vision, trinkets provide free refreshable wards, and sweepers disable enemy wards. Using these tools strategically is important for top laners. Starting with a ward trinket and utilizing control wards can help prevent ganks and secure kills.

Best Places to Put Wards in the Top Lane

Choosing the right locations to ward in the top lane is crucial for avoiding vulnerable positions. The river is a primary spot for warding on both sides of the map. Warding the river bush and killing the scuttler provide valuable vision. The Tri-Bush and the bush closest to your Tier 1 tower are also important spots to ward. Warding your side’s buff and the top lane bushes can provide additional comfort and prevention against invasions. Using control wards strategically can help destroy enemy vision and gain an advantage.

Author’s Comment on the Control Ward Debate

While some top-level players may argue that control wards are too expensive, they can still be valuable for mid-level players. They offer a way to destroy enemy vision without sacrificing your ward trinket. Control wards can also be used strategically as bait for fights. In lower divisions, generic warding spots can be easily exploited for extra gold and XP. Additionally, using control wards as a bait often works against lower tiered players.


Vision and warding in the top lane are crucial for success in League of Legends. Proper vision and map awareness can help you avoid ganks, secure kills, and gain an advantage over your opponents. Utilizing the right spots for warding and making strategic use of control wards can be a game-changer. Remember, even the best players rely on vision and map awareness, and don’t let online rants discourage you. Good luck on the Rift!