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A Beginner’s Guide to Playing Neeko in the Jungle in League of Legends

Riot Games has released a mid-scope update for Neeko in Patch 13.9, aiming to make her a top trickster in League of Legends. Now, besides transforming into allies, Neeko can also take the form of minions, jungle monsters, wards, and plants found on the map. This update also includes a slight increase in damage to jungle camps, allowing Neeko to be a viable jungler and surprise enemies with creative ganks.

When playing Neeko in the jungle, it’s important to understand her builds, runes, and unique abilities. We’ll discuss these aspects to help you make the most out of Neeko’s kit and excel in the jungle.

Neeko’s Rune Setup and Build in the Jungle

For jungle Neeko, her rune setup differs slightly from her mid lane counterpart. The main keystone rune should be Dark Harvest to maximize damage during sneaky ganks using her passive. Other recommended minor runes from the Domination tree are Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. Cheap Shot can be triggered with her E (Tangle Barbs) or R (Pop Blossom) for extra damage, while Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of her ultimate.

As for the secondary rune tree, many players opt for Inspiration, choosing Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight. Cosmic Insight helps lower the cooldown of Smite and have Flash ready sooner, while Magical Footwear saves 300 gold. These rune choices complement Neeko’s ganking potential.

The recommended Mythic purchase for Neeko in the jungle is Hextech Rocketbelt. It provides the necessary stats such as ability power and magic penetration and synergizes with her ultimate’s channeling. Another core item for her is Shadowflame, which further enhances her burst damage with additional ability power and magic penetration. Sorcerer’s Shoes can also be obtained to burst down squishy targets.

In certain situations, getting Zhonya’s Hourglass can be beneficial, especially during the later stages of the game when Neeko becomes squishy. This item not only provides damage but also strengthens her resistances and allows her to bait enemies. Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff are recommended to increase ability power and magic penetration. Morellonomicon can be a situational item if anti-healing effects are needed.

Neeko’s Ability Order and Gameplay in the Jungle

The ability order for Neeko in the jungle follows R > Q > E > W. Maxing Q (Blooming Burst) first is essential as it is her main source of damage for jungle clears and ganks. Maxing Tangle-Barbs second increases damage and root duration, enhancing combos with Blooming Burst. W (Shapesplitter) is maxed last due to its higher cooldown and lower damage output compared to other abilities.

Jungle Clearing with Neeko

Proper jungle clearing is crucial for Neeko since she is not as healthy as other meta champions. Kiting jungle camps is important to minimize damage taken. Neeko’s ranged attacks allow her to create distance and reduce the number of times the camp hits her. Mastering this technique can significantly improve her clear speed and overall health, enabling more effective ganks.

One advantage of Neeko is her ability to solo start without assistance. Starting from the raptors’ camp and utilizing Q’s AoE damage allows for quick full clears. After raptors, move to the Red buff and Krugs for a level two start, then clear other camps, ensuring they respawn simultaneously. Neeko is not a power-farming jungler, so prioritizing ganks is key.

Ganking with Neeko

Ganking is a critical aspect of playing Neeko in the jungle. One effective gank strategy is transforming into a minion using Neeko’s passive and walking into the lane. When close to enemies, unleash the E-Q combo (and ultimate if available) to secure kills. It’s essential to mimic minion movements to avoid detection. Melee minions are preferable, but caster minions work when allies are pushing the wave.

Teamfighting as Neeko

Neeko’s Hextech Rocketbelt dash and root ability make landing her ultimate easier. However, hitting multi-man ultimates can be challenging. In densely grouped situations, the “vision ward” bait can be useful. Transform into a ward, position allies to follow up, and use W (Inherent Glamour) to become invisible. Once enemies approach, unleash perfect Pop Blossom.

Overall, mastering Neeko’s unique abilities and understanding jungle strategies will make you a formidable force in League of Legends.