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7 Top Tank Junglers in League of Legends

In League of Legends Season 12, there have been significant changes to the game. One area that has been affected is the Jungle, and in this post, we will discuss the top Tank Junglers in the latest season.

As Season 12 is coming to an end, and the pre-season is approaching, we have compiled a list to help you gain those last few LP before the Ranked Divisions reset. The rankings are based on data from, which is a reliable source for this kind of information.

While these Champions may not have the highest win rates, they are all ranked S+ or slightly below, indicating that they are among the best but require a bit more skill to use. It’s important to note that these Champions are playable by everyone, as the meta has shifted towards more accessible choices.

1. Kayn

Kayn is one of the most versatile Champions in the league. With two forms to choose from, he can adapt to different situations. While he may not be the tankiest Champion, he has good sustain, damage, and crowd control abilities. His Q and W can quickly clear jungle camps, and his transformation into the Red form grants him lifesteal and increased durability. Kayn is a durable and formidable Jungler in the late game.

2. Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao is classified as a fighter/bruiser rather than a tank, but he fits the Tank category due to the recent item changes. He has fast and efficient jungle clear, and his E can initiate fights and provide crowd control. Xin Zhao is particularly strong in ganking and team fights, making him a solid choice for the Jungle.

3. Amumu

Amumu is one of the strongest tank Junglers in the game. With recent buffs to his Q ability, he remains a top-tier option. Amumu has a straightforward and efficient clear, and his E and W abilities deal significant damage to multiple targets. He is easy to pick up and play, making him suitable for players of all levels of experience.

4. Jarvan IV

Jarvan IV is more of a bruiser than a tank, but he still fits the Tank classification. His kit includes damage-dealing abilities and tanky attributes, making him a valuable asset in team fights. Jarvan IV’s E-Q combo allows him to engage and lock down enemies, and his Ultimate can trap and isolate opponents. He may not have the fastest jungle clear, but his crowd control and durability make him a strong pick.

5. Rammus

Rammus is one of the game’s oldest and most straightforward Champions. With his ability to deflect damage and his multi-targeted Q ability, he can clear jungle camps quickly. Rammus excels against AD Champions, as his abilities and armor boost make him highly durable. His Ultimate deals AoE damage and can disrupt team fights. Rammus is a reliable and effective tank Jungler.

6. Nunu

Nunu is an unconventional choice, but he has become more viable since his rework. He has good ganking potential and fast camp clear. Nunu’s Q ability allows him to sustain and secure objectives, and his W provides strong ganking and initiation capabilities. While he may not be the most popular pick, Nunu can be a powerful asset in the Jungle.

7. Zac

Zac is a versatile and hard-to-kill Jungler. He excels in mobility and crowd control, making him a nightmare to face in the Jungle and in skirmishes. His Q and E abilities provide initiation and CC, and his Ultimate can disrupt and deal significant damage in team fights. Zac’s high AoE damage makes him a valuable asset in team fights.

These seven tank Junglers are some of the best choices in Season 12. Give them a try and see which one suits your playstyle. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.