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7 Top Mid Laners with Great Scaling in League of Legends

If you’re a mid laner who enjoys playing assassin-type champions, you may have noticed that their damage tends to fall off after the 30-minute mark. You may have experimented with different lineups to try and overcome this issue. One option is to master Anivia, but if you’re looking for other champions who scale well in the mid-lane, you’ve come to the right place.

In League of Legends, each champion has their own power curve. Some champions excel early in the game and can carry from the start. Others require items to reach their power spike and become effective. And then there are the champions who shine in the late game but struggle early on. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best scaling mid-lane champions.

7. Kayle
You may have already seen Kayle on our list of best scaling top laners, but she’s equally strong in the mid-lane. Kayle becomes a real threat as she levels up, especially at level 16 when her auto-attacks can obliterate opponents. She gains attack speed and range with each point in her ultimate, making her a formidable late-game champion. However, her early game can be challenging, and opponents can abuse her if they can close the game before she reaches her power spike.

6. Veigar
Veigar is a late-game monster and a nightmare for enemy mid-laners. As the game progresses, Veigar gains a substantial amount of ability power, making him increasingly difficult to deal with. His second skill and passive allow him to continuously increase his ability power, magic damage, and ability speed. With his short cooldowns, he can easily burst down enemies. However, it’s crucial to shut down Veigar early on and prevent him from stacking AP.

5. Ryze
Ryze is a well-known champion in League of Legends and always finds his way back into the meta. He scales extremely well and becomes a damage-dealing monster in the late game. Despite recent nerfs, Ryze is still a formidable champion that excels in both early and late stages of the game. If you’re a fan of Faker, you’ll appreciate playing Ryze, as he has showcased the champion’s true potential many times.

4. Kassadin
Kassadin is a ticking time bomb in the mid-lane. Once he reaches level 16, he becomes virtually invincible and can dominate team fights. With each point in his ultimate, Void Path, Kassadin deals more and more damage. Playing against him requires flawless execution, which can be challenging for most mid-laners. If you’re playing as Kassadin, aim to reach level 16 as quickly as possible and snowball your advantage.

3. Viktor
Viktor is an underrated scaling mid-lane champion. He lacks flashy abilities but excels in the late game. Playing Viktor will teach you the fundamentals of mid-lane, and his versatility makes him a safe pick in most games. He can dominate the early game and carry his team to victory. Don’t underestimate Viktor’s potential; many skilled players have found success with him.

2. Yasuo
Yasuo may be known as a top-lane champion, but he can also shine in the mid-lane. With coordinated teamwork, Yasuo becomes a must-have champion. His mechanics and ability to execute split-second actions make him a favorite among twitch gaming enthusiasts. The key to countering Yasuo is shutting him down early and not letting him snowball. Few mid-laners can effectively match him in terms of skill.

1. Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia is a challenging champion to master but rewards skilled players with high DPS and utility. Playing as Cassiopeia requires excellent positioning and awareness, especially in team fights. She deals damage over time, making her a late-game monster. If you die early in a team fight, your team loses a significant source of damage. However, if you can play Cassiopeia well, you’ll be rewarded with a strong champion that can carry games.

In conclusion, the mid-lane can be an intimidating place, but understanding scaling champions can give you an advantage. Playing safe and recognizing the power spikes of these champions is crucial. If you’re playing them, aim to reach the late game where you can dominate. If you’re playing against them, try to end the game quickly before they become unstoppable. Good luck on the Fields of Justice!