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7 Top Lane Champions That Are Easy to Play in League of Legends

Hello, League of Legends fans! Are you ready for a new article that will help improve your gaming skills? Of course you are! In this article, we will focus on the top lane in League of Legends and discuss the easiest champions to master in this role.

The top lane in League of Legends is known to be the most challenging lane. Players in this lane have to rely solely on their own skills since they are the furthest from the rest of the team. Unlike the mid lane, which is prone to early ganks, the top lane offers more opportunities for solo players to farm peacefully. This is why many players prefer the top lane.

Professional players often say that the top lane is the most difficult lane to succeed in and climb the ranks. But if you can find a champion that suits your playstyle, you can achieve great success and win most of your matches. In this article, we will introduce the seven easiest champions for the top lane in League of Legends.

7. Dr. Mundo:
Dr. Mundo is a very famous champion and is ideal for beginners. He has simple abilities that new players can easily grasp. Dr. Mundo is a long-ranged champion, making him perfect for poking enemies during the lane phase.

6. Teemo:
Teemo is a cute but deadly champion that can be found in various lanes, including the top lane. He is known for his poison arrows and the power of invisibility, which makes him a dangerous opponent. Properly placing mushrooms all over the map is key to winning with Teemo.

5. Nasus:
Nasus is an excellent choice for beginners. His ability to collect stacks and deal massive damage in the late game makes him a formidable opponent. Surviving the early phase of the game is crucial for Nasus, as he becomes nearly indestructible later on.

4. Singed:
Singed is an unconventional choice, but he is perfect for learning the basics of farming and playing in the top lane. His poisonous trail is his strongest ability, and it can make it difficult for the enemy team to eliminate him.

3. Jax:
Jax is an easy-to-play champion who becomes stronger as the game progresses. He is a champion that requires minimal thinking, allowing players to focus on the game and utilize his abilities effectively.

2. Darius:
Darius is a champion that is easy to understand in theory but requires practice to master. He is known for his blade and dominant aggressive playstyle. Learning the basics of attacking and aggressive play is essential for new players, and Darius is perfect for that.

1. Garen:
Garen is one of the easiest champions to play, making him ideal for new players. He is a powerful and aggressive champion, and his ultimate ability can quickly eliminate enemy champions. Playing with Garen allows players to experience the raw power he possesses.

This list includes our selection of the seven easiest top lane champions. However, there are many more popular and easy champions to explore. Take your time to find the champion that suits you best and conquer the top lane. Good luck and have fun!