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7 Supports That Are Incredibly Annoying to Play Against

Support champions play a crucial role in providing aid to their teammates in the game. They can heal, shield, and assist their allies, making it easier for them to navigate the map and survive dangerous situations. However, some support champions are more effective and annoying than others. In this article, we will rate some of the most irritating supports that players may come across in their games.

7. Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank is a champion that is both loved and hated by League of Legends players. His ability to pull enemies from a distance can completely change the outcome of a fight when an enemy is caught. While his other abilities are not as important, they still complement his playstyle and can be used effectively in combination with his Q ability.

6. Soraka

Soraka is a healer champion who can provide valuable support to her team. Despite the drawback of sacrificing her own health to heal her teammates, she can sustain herself and deal damage with her Q ability. Her ultimate ability, Wish, can heal all allies on the map, making it a useful tool in critical situations.

5. Seraphine and Sona

Seraphine and Sona are two support champions with similar abilities and roles. They both have empowered attacks, poke abilities, healing, and shielding abilities. Their ultimate skills are slightly different but serve the same purpose. Dealing with these champions requires trading effectively, bursting them down, or catching them off guard.

4. Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench is a tank support champion known for his ability to engage enemies and protect his ADC. His health and abilities make him a formidable opponent, but there are ways to counter him. Items that deal extra damage against enemies with a large health pool can be effective against him.

3. Renata Glasc

Renata Glasc is a new and tricky champion with offensive and defensive capabilities. She can provide movement speed and attack speed buffs to her allies, snare and drag opponents, and even make enemies attack their own allies. While she can be annoying to play against, focusing and killing her first can neutralize her impact.

2. Shaco

Shaco is primarily a jungler but can also be played as a support. His playstyle revolves around invisibility, traps, and backstabs. While he can be annoying to deal with, bursting him down or catching him alone can significantly weaken him.

1. Teemo

Teemo is a beloved yet frustrating champion known for his poison damage and traps. His ability to blind champions and deal damage over time makes him a challenging opponent. Sweeping Lens and Vision Wards can help counter his traps, and focusing on kiting or bursting him down can eliminate his threat.

While these support champions may be annoying to face, they can also be used effectively by you or your teammates. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses and applying that knowledge to your gameplay is essential for success.