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5 Mid Laners Garnering Boosts from League of Legends’ Extensive Patch 13.17 Updates

A Look at Upcoming Changes in League of Legends Patch 13.17

The Riot Games balance team has revealed the buffs and nerfs that will be implemented in Patch 13.17 of League of Legends. A total of 19 champions will be affected by these changes, with a particular focus on the mid lane.

Riot lead champion designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, recently announced these adjustments, which will span across all five positions. However, the five mid lane champions who have struggled in the current meta are expected to receive buffs. These champions include Orianna, Twisted Fate, Vex, Zoe, and Lux.

According to statistics from U.GG, all five of these champions fall in the middle range of both win rates and pick rates for mid lane champions. Lux is the most popular among them but ranks 22nd in terms of pick rate. Vex currently has the highest win rate at 50.57%, which is lower compared to champions like Swain (52.91%) and Neeko (52.03%).

Gnar, Elise, Tryndamere, and Samira are among the weakest champions in the game and will also receive buffs. Despite her below-par win rate, Samira is banned in 27% of matches.

In terms of nerfs, Riot is planning to tone down the power of overpowered junglers such as Kayn, Kindred, Kha’zix, and Xerath’s support build. Additionally, Blitzcrank’s attempt to become a viable jungler has not been successful, so Riot is going to abandon this effort.

Other changes in Patch 13.17 include adjustments to items like Bloodthirster, Stattik Shiv, and Evenshroud, as well as a potential change to the effectiveness of the Future’s Market rune. The patch is set to go live on Wednesday, Aug. 30.

League of Legends, Patch 13.17, buffs, nerfs, mid lane, champions, meta.