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5 League of Legends Champions, Including Jinx and Milio, Receive Much-Needed Buffs in Patch 13.20

League of Legends World Championship and Patch 13.20: Five Champions to Receive Buffs

The highly anticipated League of Legends World Championship is approaching, but Riot Games developers are prioritizing the overall health of the game. In mid-October, Patch 13.20 will be released, introducing several changes including buffs for five struggling champions.

Lead gameplay designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has revealed that Jinx and Milio will be the main focus among the group of champions receiving buffs. Additionally, Galio, Morgana, and Ziggs will also receive some helpful adjustments.

Morgana’s changes have been outlined by champion designer August Browning. While it was not initially specified whether the buffs for Morgana would be included in Patch 13.20, we now know that they will make their debut in the upcoming patch.

In a recent patch preview, the developers shed light on the other champions that have been struggling in recent patches. Jinx, for example, has seen a significant decrease in her attack damage and attack speed scaling throughout several patches, resulting in a win rate of less than 50%. However, with the buffs coming in the next patch, we hope to see Jinx’s performance improve.

Milio has also fallen out of favor due to significant nerfs in Patch 13.14. Although a slight buff was introduced in Patch 13.16, it did not have a significant impact on Milio’s viability. Perhaps the buffs in Patch 13.20 will help Milio regain his former strength.

Phroxzon has mentioned that while Galio has made a return to form, there is still room for improvement. However, the developers are cautious about not making Galio overpowering in his matchups against mages. Ziggs will also receive some buffs, rounding out the list of champion adjustments in this patch.

All five champions have been underutilized in the current meta, with only Morgana and Jinx having a pick rate close to five percent, according to stat site U.GG.

Additionally, Phroxzon has mentioned that there will be buffs to items, including Youmuu’s Ghostblade and Blighting Jewel. The Ghostblade has been overshadowed by the popular Duskblade, but the developers hope that the buffs in Patch 13.20 will make it a viable alternative. Blighting Jewel, on the other hand, has seen nerfs in the past but will receive a slight buff in this patch.

We can expect to see more details about the exact changes and adjustments later this week, as Patch 13.20 is scheduled to go live on Tuesday, October 10th.

League of Legends World Championship, Patch 13.20, buffs, champions, Jinx, Milio, Galio, Morgana, Ziggs, meta, item buffs, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Blighting Jewel