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5 Key Takeaways from the Opening Day of the World Championships

Riot World Championships Begin

The highly anticipated Riot World Championships have finally started, and the best players in the world have taken to the Summoner’s Rift in Taiwan. After weeks of predictions, hype, and talk, the games are now live.

Key Takeaways from Day 1

On the first day of competition, there were some interesting matchups and surprising outcomes. Here are some of the key takeaways:

1) Team SoloMid’s Bottom Lane Struggles

Team SoloMid’s bottom lane, consisting of Jason “WildTurtle” Tran and Ham “LustBoy” Jung-sik, did not perform well against Star Horn Royal Club. Tran, in particular, has had difficulties in laning all season. This weakness was exploited by Royal Club’s Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao, who dominated Tran in lane and gave his team a significant advantage.

2) Imp’s Aggression Could Cost Samsung Galaxy White

The match between Edward Gaming and Samsung Galaxy White was seen as a battle between two top marksmen, Zhu “NaMei” Jia-wen and Gu “imp” Seung-bin. While Gu performed well in lane, he made a crucial mistake by overextending into the enemy team and dying. Although it didn’t cost his team the game this time, his aggression could be a potential weakness in future matches.

3) SK Gaming Needs their Coach and Jungler

SK Gaming faced challenges in their match against Team SoloMid due to the absence of their coach Nicolaj “incarnati0n” Jensen and jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen. SK Gaming struggled with picks and bans, and their replacement jungler was unable to make an impact. The team needs to improve in these areas if they want to have a chance of winning.

4) ahq Greentea Shines as a Breakout Player

The support player for ahq e-Sports Club, Sa “GreenTea” Sha-Ching, made a strong impression with his play on Thresh. He carried his team in the matches against Dark Passage and Samsung Galaxy White, displaying his skills to a wider audience. Sa has proven to be a formidable Thresh player and is now recognized as one of the top supports in the SEA region.

5) Winds Stands Out as a Top Jungler

Jungle play was crucial in the first day of competition, and Chen “Winds” Peng-Nien of Taipei Assassins showcased his skills on Lee Sin. His early game performance gave his team a significant advantage, despite eventually losing the game. If he can maintain this level of play, Taipei Assassins has a good chance of advancing in the tournament.

In conclusion, the first day of the Riot World Championships was an exciting start to the competition. There is still a lot more to come, with more matches in Groups A and B. While Samsung Galaxy White looks dominant in Group A, Group B remains wide open, with Star Horn Royal Club, Team SoloMid, and Taipei Assassins all showing potential to win the group.

Riot World Championships, esports, Team SoloMid, Samsung Galaxy White, SK Gaming, ahq e-Sports Club, Taipei Assassins, Greentea, Winds, Summoner’s Rift, League of Legends