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5 Key Takeaways from League of Legends Patch 8.7

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League of Legends Patch 8.7 is coming soon, and there are some significant changes in store. The patch will bring updates to runes, items, champions, and even minions, resulting in a shift in gameplay and the meta. These changes will encourage the use of more diverse champion types and play styles.

One of the main highlights of the patch is the introduction of the updated Irelia. She will receive a complete overhaul with new abilities, a new design, new skins, and a new voiceover. This highly-anticipated update will give players a fresh experience with the champion.

1) Irelia

The updated Irelia will be released in Patch 8.7. Her rework includes new skins, abilities, and overall design changes. To learn more about these changes, check out our detailed coverage of Patch 8.7.

The new Irelia is designed as a high-damage skirmisher or bruiser, similar to Fiora. Some unconventional builds, such as on-hit AP Irelia, have emerged during testing, thanks to her high AP scalings. Overall, she offers a more challenging yet enjoyable gameplay experience.

2) Minions

The current meta in League of Legends heavily favors champions with fast wave-clearing abilities. However, this will change with the upcoming patch. Riot Games aims to create a more dynamic laning phase by reducing the importance of wave-clearing. The focus will now shift towards actively engaging with opponents in lane.

The changes to minions will primarily affect siege and super minions. Siege minions will be worth more gold and will be harder to kill, forcing players to prioritize them. Super minions will also yield increased gold value. While melee and caster minions will undergo some adjustments, the changes will not be as significant.

3) Runes

Patch 8.7 introduces several rune changes, with notable updates to Manaflow Band, Presence of Mind, and the Resolve path. Manaflow Band will now increase maximum mana upon hitting enemies with abilities, providing a more reliable mana regeneration effect. Presence of Mind will restore mana on takedowns and reduce ultimate cooldowns, benefiting champions with impactful ultimates. The Resolve path will now offer a small amount of health that scales with levels, making champions squishier early game but tankier later on.

4) Champions

Despite being categorized as a smaller patch, Patch 8.7 includes significant balance changes to multiple champions, items, and runes. Shaco, Swain, and Olaf will receive nerfs, while underperforming junglers will be buffed. For a comprehensive list of all champion changes, refer to our detailed coverage of the upcoming patch.

5) Masterwork Chests

Riot Games is introducing a new type of lootbox called Masterwork Chests. These chests guarantee cosmetic items and do not contain champion shards like Hextech Chests. This addition aims to address community feedback regarding duplicate champion shards in Hextech Chests. However, Hextech Chests will still be available alongside the new Masterwork Chests.

League of Legends, Patch 8.7, Irelia, minions, runes, champions, Masterwork Chests