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5 Frostfangs and 3 no-farm laners featured in an LCK game between SKT and KZ today

League of Legends Meta Gets Crazy with Spellthief’s Edge Strategy

It seems that time of year has come when the League of Legends meta becomes absurd. Whether it’s unconventional top laners or junglers with gold-funneling tactics, there’s always something new. And now, we’ve reached the next level of craziness.

If you haven’t already heard about the no-farm Spellthief’s Edge strategy, then consider this your warning. This strategy has taken the League of Legends world by storm ever since it was showcased in the LCS last weekend. And today, SK Telecom T1 and Kingzone DragonX took it to a whole new level in an LCK game.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room. The outcome of this game doesn’t really matter. Why? Well, when you have five Frostfangs and three non-farming laners, it just becomes a stalemate. It’s boring. Yes, you heard that right—both top laners and KZ’s mid laner decided not to farm.

Eventually, they started farming, but it took them around 10 minutes to do so. By the 12-minute mark, the top laners Viktor and Karma, along with the mid laner Azir, only had a total of 105 farm. That’s six fewer farm than KZ’s bot laner Ezreal had by himself. And guess what? Ezreal had a Frostfang, too, but he still chose to farm.

As the game progressed into the mid-game, almost everyone had fully charged their Frostfangs with gold. There were a total of five Frostfangs on the field, with SKT’s Viktor and Gragas having two each, and KZ’s Karma, Azir, and Ezreal having three each. Ezreal eventually sold his Frostfang to complete his build. Together, they were able to place a whopping 15 vision wards at any given time, not to mention the wards from their trinkets. It was an absolute spectacle to witness.

If you’re as tired of this meta as we are, don’t worry. Riot has already taken steps to tone down the no-farm strategy with a hotfix. However, there’s a possibility that Frostfangs will still remain in the game, providing vision for a relatively low cost.

League of Legends, meta, Spellthief’s Edge strategy, LCS, LCK, Frostfangs