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2015 LMS Regionals: The Dominance of Flash Wolves

Flash Wolves: Second Best Team in Taiwan

All stats from Oracle’s Elixir! All photos from!

Flash Wolves (9-2-3) Second Seed

Split Overview

The Flash Wolves were the second best team in Taiwan this split, showcasing their strong macro play and shotcalling. They experimented with different players and strategies, but ultimately struggled when facing HKE in the playoffs.

Steak and NL faced scrutiny for their performance, leading the team to make changes by bringing in KKramer as their new AD carry.

Despite their dominance in the regular season, Flash Wolves faced challenges in HKE, narrowly avoiding a 2-0 loss due to a strong late game performance. However, they were ultimately knocked out 3-1 in the playoffs.

Steak: The Incohesive Top Laner

4.2 KDA

62.1% AKP (Average Kill Participation)

-6.4CSD@10 (CS Difference at Ten Minutes)

15.2% DMG (Average share of team’s total damage to champions)

Steak has been with Flash Wolves for a long time, known as their team captain and shotcaller. However, his performance as a top laner has worsened both domestically and internationally.

Steak’s champion pool is limited, with Maokai being his primary choice. Despite his weaknesses, his role in communication is crucial for the team’s success.

Karsa: Aggressive Jungler with Vision Focus

4.9 KDA

71.5% AKP


16.2% DMG

0.94 WPM (Wards per Minute)

0.35 WCPM (Wards Cleared per Minute)

Karsa, the mechanical skilled jungler, brings aggression and focuses on early vision. He places the most wards among all LMS junglers, inspired by studying Taiwanese history’s best jungler, Winds.

Karsa often secures first blood and provides early ganks to Maple. However, he needs to work on his engage abilities, which has been a weakness for Flash Wolves.

Maple: Prodigy of LMS with Strong Teamfight Mechanics

5.3 KDA

62.9% AKP


30.8% DMG

Maple is recognized as the prodigy of LMS, known for his large champion pool and strong laning abilities. He excels at control mages and positioning in teamfights.

Maple receives support from Karsa, who focuses on vision and early ganks. He spends less gold on wards compared to other mid laners, but makes a significant impact in teamfights.

KKramer: Korean AD Carry with Quirky Champion Pool

5.5 KDA

69% AKP

-5.1 CSD@10

28.8% DMG

KKramer, the fourth Korean AD carry in LMS, showcases unique item builds and a small champion pool. He struggles in the laning phase but excels in split pushing and farming side lanes.

Although KKramer has strong mechanics, his communication with SwordArT and limited champion pool hold him back from becoming Flash Wolves’ reliable second carry.

SwordArT: Outstanding Support and Vision Control

7.5 KDA

76.5% AKP

1.27 WPM

0.27 WCPM

SwordArT, a top support in LMS, is highly regarded for his outstanding play and vision control. He specializes in disengage supports like Janna and Morgana, but can also engage when needed.

SwordArT’s ability to strategically place wards contributes to Flash Wolves’ objective control and coherent map movements. He has played a crucial role in the team’s success.

Flash Wolves at Regionals

Flash Wolves have showcased strong map play and solid early games throughout the split. However, the lack of reliable engage and dependence on Maple hold them back from ascending further.

Their reactionary playstyle and struggles with setting up teamfights make them vulnerable to teams like HKE. Additionally, their objective control needs improvement, especially in managing side waves.

The team’s trust issues and lack of follow-up coordination affect their overall performance. It is unlikely that Flash Wolves will have an easy time against MSE and HKE in regionals.

Flash Wolves, LMS, Taiwan, second best team, top laner, jungler, mid laner, AD carry, support, regionals