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1,000 Days Have Passed Since Taric Received His Last New Skin

Taric: Waiting 1,000 Days for a New Skin

In a surprising turn of events, it has been exactly 1,000 days since the release of the last skin for League of Legends champion Taric. On July 13, 2016, Pool Party Taric made its debut, offering players a range of chroma options. Despite this, Taric has only recently returned to the spotlight thanks to Cloud9’s loss to TSM in the LCS semifinals.

Related: Learn how to counter the Sona Taric bot lane.

Other Champions in the 1,000 Day Skin Club

Taric is not the only champion who has been waiting for a new skin for over 1,000 days. 15 other champions, including Volibear, Shyvana, Kindred, Nocturne, Sion, Vel’Koz, Kassadin, Rek’Sai, Shaco, Mordekaiser, Zilean, Xerath, Skarner, and Udyr, have also not received any new skins within that timeframe.

Interesting Stats about Taric

In addition to the lack of new skins, Taric has some interesting statistics. According to a Reddit user, Taric has only received a new skin once every 880 days on average since his release in 2009. This is the longest average among all the champions currently in the game. Udyr comes in second place with an average of 854 days between skin releases.

Despite the wait, Riot Games has shown a commitment to giving older champions new skins. Recent releases like Ivern’s Dunkmaster skin give hope that Taric will receive some much-needed love in a future patch.

Taric, League of Legends, skin, champion, Pool Party Taric, chroma options, Cloud9, TSM, LCS, semifinals, Volibear, Shyvana, Kindred, Nocturne, Sion, Vel’Koz, Kassadin, Rek’Sai, Shaco, Mordekaiser, Zilean, Xerath, Skarner, Udyr, statistics, Riot Games, Ivern’s Dunkmaster skin, patch