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100 Thieves’ Top Laner Ssumday Aims for Worlds in upcoming split

100 Thieves’ Ssumday Returns to Starting Lineup After Stint in Academy League

100 Thieves’ star top laner Ssumday is making a comeback to the starting lineup after spending the 2019 Summer Split in the Academy League. This comes after a successful Spring Split where 100T qualified for the playoffs for the first time in two years. Ssumday performed exceptionally well, ranking first among LCS top laners in CS per game, gold per game, and third in KDA.

Before 100 Thieves’ match against Evil Geniuses in the first Friday Night League broadcast on June 12, interviewed Ssumday about his time in the Academy League, his expectations for the split, and more.

What did you learn from your time in the Academy League last summer?

Ssumday: It was a relaxing time because I didn’t have the chance to showcase my potential or improve significantly. After a month, I was a bit confused because I thought I would return to the LCS soon, but I didn’t. Nonetheless, I appreciated the Academy experience and enjoyed playing with my teammates.

How has the transition from Korea to America been for you over the years?

Playing in another country is extremely challenging, especially due to the language barrier. As a Korean, I find it difficult to think in English. This hesitancy sometimes affects my in-game performance since one second can make a significant difference. However, I have gotten used to it over time and it’s not a problem anymore.

Has having Meteos and Cody Sun back on the team been helpful?

Definitely, they were very supportive and helped me improve my English. They have a great sense of humor, and sometimes I mimic them and we all have a good laugh. I really enjoy their presence on the team.

How confident are you in the current roster?

I have confidence in our roster since we have the same players as the Spring Split. This means that we didn’t encounter any major issues, so I believe we can achieve a higher placement than last split.

Was negotiating a new contract with 100 Thieves distracting?

Not really. My focus in-game remains the same. I have trust in 100 Thieves and they trust me as well. I’m excited for better synergy moving forward.

What are your expectations for 100 Thieves in the Summer Split?

Naturally, I want to achieve better results than we did in the Spring Split. My ultimate goal is for us to qualify for Worlds this split.

Do you believe this team can make it to Worlds?

I don’t see much difference between us and the other teams. If we improve more than the others, we have a chance to make it.

What sets 100 Thieves apart from Cloud9?

[Laughs] If I knew, I would be better. I’m not exactly sure. It seems like Cloud9 is extremely comfortable playing together and they’re very smart as a team. We just need to continue improving.

How has your preparation changed during the pandemic?

My daily routine hasn’t changed much. I wake up, practice, sleep, wake up again, and practice late. The only noticeable difference is playing without the presence of fans and the tournament-like environment on match days. Sometimes it feels like we’re just scrimming. There are both positive and negative aspects to it.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length.