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100 Thieves to replace Meteos and Ssumday with Levi and Brandini at Rift Rivals

100 Thieves Benches Meteos and Ssumday for Rift Rivals

After Cloud9 benched Sneaky, it was expected that 100 Thieves would make some changes too. And they did. Meteos and Ssumday have been benched, and they will be replaced by Academy players Levi and Brandini at Rift Rivals in July.

Unlike the Cloud9 situation, this benching seems more like a test for the Academy players rather than a permanent replacement. Academy jungler Levi has proven himself as a top player, with a strong performance in the North American solo queue and an impressive showing at MSI and Worlds in 2017. And with Brandini stepping in for Ssumday, it seems 100 Thieves have found a solution to their import slot issue.

However, the top lane roster change is a cause for concern. While Brandini has performed well in the Academy league, Ssumday has been one of the league’s most reliable top laners. But with the current meta favoring different playstyles, the team is trying something new.

Rift Rivals is just around the corner, where Levi and Brandini will have the chance to make their debut for 100 Thieves.