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100 Thieves’ Closer Makes Strategic Call for Abbedagge to Surprisingly Backdoor Team Liquid in the 2022 LCS Spring Playoffs

100 Thieves Secures Spot in LCS Spring Split Finals with Thrilling Backdoor Play

Over the weekend, 100 Thieves advanced to the grand final of the 2022 LCS Spring Split playoffs by reverse sweeping Team Liquid. In a stunning display of skill, the defending champions sealed the deal with Abbedagge’s game-winning backdoor play on Twisted Fate in the fifth game of the series.

Insights into 100 Thieves’ Crucial Moment

Post-match, 100 Thieves shared a recording of their team’s communication during this pivotal moment. Upon listening, you will discover that the unexpected hero of the match was none other than 100 Thieves’ jungler, Closer. With keen game sense, Closer identified Liquid’s strategy and made the decisive call for Abbedagge to execute the backdoor strategy.

The Twitter Reaction

On Twitter, 100 Thieves Esports shared a tweet praising Closer’s read and highlighting the game-changing play. Watch the moment here: [YouTube video URL]

Strategic Planning and Execution

In the clip published on social media on April 17, Closer suggested the backdoor play, saying, “TF, I think you look to backdoor by the way.” The team proceeded with their plan and discussed luring Liquid to the dragon to hinder their return to base using Bwipo’s Shen and Bjergsen’s Corki’s teleportation and abilities.

When Liquid eventually engaged, it was once again Closer who called for the sneak attack into their base, leading to a victorious outcome. The jungler exclaimed, “I think look to backdoor, Felix,” and shortly after, Abbedagge’s Twisted Fate was relentlessly attacking Liquid’s Nexus. During the teamfight near the dragon pit, Closer, along with his teammates, skillfully navigated the battle, focusing on preventing recalls to secure the win.

Composure and Readiness for the Finals

100 Thieves demonstrated remarkable composure in their communication during game five of the series against Liquid. This attribute will undoubtedly be vital as the team heads into the upcoming 2022 LCS Spring Split playoffs finals, scheduled for this weekend. In the finals, 100T will face either Liquid or Evil Geniuses, vying for the trophy and a spot at this year’s Mid-Season Invitational.

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100 Thieves, LCS Spring Split, playoffs, grand final, backdoor, Abbedagge, Closer, Twisted Fate, Team Liquid, strategy, communication, decisive, Twitter, strategic planning, execution, composure, 2022 LCS Spring Split playoffs finals, Evil Geniuses, Mid-Season Invitational.