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100 Thieves benches most of their LCS roster for the last week of Spring Split

100 Thieves Struggles in the LCS: Academy League Players Take the Stage

It has been a challenging season for 100 Thieves in the LCS. The team has only won one game in the second half of the 2019 Spring Split, making them the worst-performing team in the league. With nothing left to play for, 100 Thieves has decided to give some of their Academy League players a chance to play on the big stage.

100 Thieves confirmed via Twitter that they will be subbing out their entire roster, except for bot laner Bae “Bang” Jun-sik, for week nine of the Spring Split. The only exception is Max “Soligo” Soong, who was introduced into the main roster in March to replace Choi “huhi” Jae-hyun.

“For me, this season was unacceptable, in every way, shape, and form,” said 100 Thieves founder Matthew “Nadeshot” Haag in the team vlog. “I’m not happy, and I’m going to do everything I can to work with my team and improve. Nobody is satisfied, and I want our fans to be happy and proud to support our team as well.”

It is a disappointing end to the split for 100 Thieves, who came into the new year with high expectations. In 2018, the team achieved a lot in their first full year in the LCS, even securing the first seed in the playoffs. However, this season they have not lived up to their potential, despite the acquisition of Huhi and two-time world champion Bang.

Related keywords: 100 Thieves, LCS, Spring Split, Academy League, subbing, roster, bot laner, worst record, lower seed, tough season