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10 Unconventional LCS Picks – Runes & Masteries featuring Elise/Twitch/Karma/Galio…

Masteries & Runes for Popular Champions in Other Regions

Many champions that are popular in other regions may also be considered meta picks. However, it has come to my attention that many people are building them incorrectly. That’s why I wanted to share the correct masteries and runes for these champions.

  1. Kikis – Elise Jungle
  2. Tabzz – Twitch ADC
  3. Fox – Irelia Mid
  4. Werlyb – Galio Top
  5. Cabochard – Yasuo Top
  6. kaSing – Shen Support
  7. ReignOver – Tank Rengar Jungle
  8. Gamsu – Jarvan Top
  9. LemonNation – Karma Support
  10. xPeke – Runeglaive Diana Mid

masteries, runes, popular champions, other regions, meta picks, Elise Jungle, Twitch ADC, Irelia Mid, Galio Top, Yasuo Top, Shen Support, Tank Rengar Jungle, Jarvan Top, Karma Support, Runeglaive Diana Mid.