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10 League of Legends Champions That Haven’t Been Played Yet in the 2020 Competitive Season: Amumu, Teemo, Volibear Included

League of Legends Meta Reveals Few Unpicked Champions

As the 2020 competitive season progresses, it’s evident that the League of Legends meta is diverse and ever-evolving.

A curious League fan recently noticed an interesting trend on Gamepedia and shared it on Reddit. This observation revealed that out of the 148 champions available, only 10 have yet to see play in the 2020 competitive season. These statistics encompass major leagues such as the LCS, LCK, and LEC, as well as regional leagues and academy teams. The untouched champions include Udyr, Teemo, Rammus, Vi, Wukong, Brand, Amumu, Volibear, Janna, and Neeko.

Image via Riot Games

The reason behind the majority of these unpicked champions becomes clear upon closer inspection. The support meta is dominated by tanky options with crowd control abilities, which secure their place in the meta. Champions like Nautilus, Braum, Thresh, Leona, and Tahm Kench are consistently favored due to their ability to stun-lock enemies while providing protection for their carries. Unfortunately, champions like Janna and Brand currently struggle to compete with these options.

In the jungle role, professional players tend to opt for early game champions with strong engaging capabilities, such as Jarvan, Lee Sin, and Elise. This leaves little room for champions like Udyr and Amumu. However, the upcoming Patch 10.4 will provide a boost for Amumu, as his Bandage Toss and Curse of the Sad Mummy abilities are receiving buffs. Additionally, changes to the Cinderhulk item further enhance the viability of tanky champions like Amumu and Volibear in the competitive scene.

On the other hand, Vi seems well-suited for the current jungle meta. With the potential to be tanky, great engagement tools, and early game skirmishing abilities, it’s baffling that she hasn’t seen much action. However, this may change soon as Vi could easily find her place in the meta.

With ample time remaining in the season 10 pro scene, there is still a chance for every champion in League to shine.

League of Legends, esports, meta, champions, competitive season, LCS, LCK, LEC, Gamepedia, Reddit, Udyr, Teemo, Rammus, Vi, Wukong, Brand, Amumu, Volibear, Janna, Neeko, support meta, jungle meta, Patch 10.4, Cinderhulk, tanky champions, engage, crowd control, professional players, Jarvan, Lee Sin, Elise, Vi meta.